A generation's fault =/= the fault of every individual in that generation
Correct. But climate change is specifically the fault only of this Grandma.
No snowflake thinks they're responsible for the avalanche
That's because they literally aren't.
All this rhetoric does is make people feel good about not doing anything, though. If your government is ruining the world and you blithely sit by and even actively vote for that very same government, you are absolutely to blame.
We all have a moral obligation to fight for what's right, obviously not everyone can be an armed revolutionary but almost everyone can organize and spread knowledge.
Well passing blame to the parallel tangent and doing nothing upstream is still being compliant. That’s this generation’s decision to act this way.
And not voting just to be compliant to a trump monster making shit worse was also this generation’s decision.
This generation will have a lot to answer for until the day they die.
Especially what with their memes like this one boasting inaction while they just sat on their phones blaming the random parallel tangents of generations of people while they do absolutely nothing to face these political issues head on.
Blaming a geriatric in a wheel chair who probably burned more bras than they ever did doesn’t make waves in the political sea. But these people know that cuz they have absolutely no intention of doing anything productive. This meme is just further disappointment of the absolute trash and failure of the current generation inaction. It screams how they refuse to do anything effective. They like their life the way it is. They just don’t want any responsibility of the choices they make that could be different. So it’s just easier for them to pretend it’s the previous generation (each and every person of it) somehow withholding their power of choice.
The oil production sure didn't help
Yeah but my grandma in the peace corps wasn't responsible for that
Your correct. The USA is a democratic country and climate change was known about for a while now. So it's probably more accurate to say that most of the individuals in that generation. Had a responsibility to address it and they didn't.
Now, I sympathize. A lot of the corporate pressure to do nothing about it back then is still here today. But it doesn't change the fact that nothing was done.
I am not placing morale judgement on anyone here. Life is hard and complicated and when you have big business working against you it is doubly so. But that doesn't change the fact that they messed up and it's causing a lot of damage.
Let's learn from their mistakes so we don't mess up in the same way.
The USA is a democratic country and climate change was known about for a while now.
I've seen some videos where US citizens are proud that it is not democracy and does not have national elections, instead it has electoral college. Well, at least USA did something good and sanctioned putin's rocketmaker.
I mean, it's reasonable to say they could have done something and failed to do so. However, when you start to dig into what they could have done, it's hard to think of anything particularly effective and easy to see why they could have been convinced into inaction. So you could say they made a mistake, but were not fully at fault. The ones at fault are the ones who have been convincing them.
I like to say that responsibility isn't neatly divided up into percentages. Someone can be fully 100% responsible for something that happened, but other people can have some minor responsibility also. There's no threshold between being responsible or not, either, it's a sliding scale. When assigning responsibility and blame it's important to remember these things.
Grandma must pay for her sins. We might not be able to save the world, but maybe we can avenge it.
I wish she would. But nooooo they are just gonna die while guzzling down her payments, for which I have to work 10 years longer for and will get less no matter what.
Edit: I don't want to avenge anything anymore. I am just so tired of this hopeless situation, where no one who could do something, does anything to prevent it.
Now in cinemas: The Avengers vs Climate Grandma
Rather 'The Avengers vs Climate Activists'
She gets the "You will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep" retirement home.
The world is getting what it had coming. Fuck the earth!
Hilarious, but in all seriousness let's leave grandma alone.
Too many superhero movies for yall.
It's really not the fault of any individual. Well okay yes it is, but it's like 200 individuals at the very upper echelons of society.
Are we gonna ignore that literally everyone voted for Reagan in the 80s?
Except based Minnesota? Weird.
Wow. This looks like USSR, but worse
So, are we going to do something about that? Did we just whoopsi 200 bad people in the upper echelons of society? I think some systemic analysis is needed.
It's the fault of many individuals, voting and acting together.
In the US, when you look at the end use of e.g. electricity, 29% of emissions are due to transportation, 30% are industrial, 11% is agriculture, and the other 30% is from commercial and residential.
Over 50% of transportation emissions are cars, SUVs, minivans and pickups. Why? Because the US suburbanized and we bulldozed cities to build wide roads and large parking lots.
That's partially due to people like Robert Moses, and partially due to things like white flight, Euclidean zoning, single family zoning, etc. The greatest generation, the silent generation and boomers have repeatedly voted for and implemented local NIMBY policies that have resulted in car centric suburban sprawl that's terrible for the planet.
Yes, but they had no information about the negative aspects of those policies due to marketing and outright lies they were exposed to from propaganda, published by those 200 [hyperbole] people who were actually responsible.
My grandma used to say she didn't give a fuck about climate change because she's old and she'll be dead before it destroys the earth. Now she needs the air con to live in summer. I hope she dies of heat stroke.
I too blame this mans grandma
Because your generation knows only hate. Hate and blame.
Cry some more, bitch
I remember when we used to have to squeeze our Halloween costumes over our snowsuits in Canada because it was too cold to go without. I don't find it that cold anymore. And snow every December. I only ever saw one green Christmas as a kid in the 1980s.
I hate this timeline so much.
Every time there is snow we make damn sure to get our kids outside to enjoy it. I hate to say it out loud but at the rate we're going I'm not at all certain we'll still have snow here in a few years. And I'm in Wisconsin, we're supposed to be part of the frozen north.
Every single year winter gets milder. It snows later and thaws earlier. I have to make sure my sump pump is ready to run year round. We used to ice fish around Thanksgiving. Now I barely get to go ice fishing at all unless I drive north a couple hours.
Depends on where you are in Canada. It still gets snowy in some parts mid October
Well not southern Ontario anymore.
I mean, I’m fine with these temperatures in October honestly.
Not so much with the ones we had in July and we’ll soon have for the whole summer, though.
We need to punch up and stop infighting.
Seriously. It's infuriating. It's exactly because people are so divided by wedge issues that we don't have progress on this. Governments will keep ignoring climate change (and the global extinction event associated with it) as long as voters don't make it a high priority.
It's quite "comedy " because in some places governments are obsessed with green policy which led to closing many nuclear powerplants but now only alternative is fosil fuel because renewables are so inefficient. And also make people to pay renewable fees for ever wat of energy they use. It's not driven by reason but by feelngs on both sites.
These kids do not actually care. they do not give a shit about what the establishment is doing.
Shell is currently releasing pure death into the air and water (biggest oil spill 2010 - Barack Obama was a voted in president at this time ) and nestle charges for water use (flint water disaster 2014 - - Barack Obama was a voted in president at this time) baby formula was 1974 - (Richard Nixon ) and dupont released c8 into water supply in 1984. - (Ronald Reagan).
these genZ dumb fucks just sit down and whine how their grandma somehow retroactively voted for it with intention back in 1960. Meanwhile this could have been reversed any time in the past 60 years (even the last 15) since but they are intentionally pretending like that was never an option so they can continue their dumb ass dog pile on ancient shit.
Old people need to stop first.
boomers didn’t make this post.
Such a weird take. As if millennials and Gen Z/X would have behaved any different if we were born in grandma's generation.
And they talk like no one protested in the 1960s about this same stuff during their generation
I mean someone back then was making these anti establishment songs popular:
There was definitely an audience.
You’d think with this attitude they think this kind of idea only just started with the current generation. Current gen are sure in for a surprise in the future when the next generation accuse them of compliance. Their time will come. And they allowed Trump. So they will have a ton to answer for cuz they were supposed to know better what with their blaming the previous generation for the exact things he made worse.
Yea but at least now we can blame it on boomers.
This is absolutely true. But goes to show it isn't the individuals, the judgement based on actions taken.
Nestle and Shell "yeah Grandma"
Entered the comments looking to correct the narrative. Looks like that work is already done :)
I like Lemmy
Edit: blame the system, not the people bound by the system.
And who, apart from those who came before us created the system?
No. You blame the people for not fighting the system. Not for being complacent.
Except They did fight the system and protested and in ways and with fortitude like you’ve never seen or heard of in this day and age.
Burning bras was the light part of it. And there’s many anti establishment tunes people still listen to today that we’re made in the 1960s.
The dark part of it was people allowing themselves to be run over by tanks, setting themselves on fire, purposely deforming their bodies by holding an arm up until it dies for 45 yrs.
They weren’t complacent.
This comment sounds super pompous.
You say that but I currently know middle managers from the gen x and millennial generation expecting people to drive into work when they could be running their businesses from home and should be minimalizing the emissions. Grandma didn’t make them do that.
Taylor swift and her private jet are of the millennial timeline.
I don’t know a lot of grandmas with a private jet.
And grandma isn’t providing you all with the plastic bottle waste. She isn’t forcing Coca Cola down your throat. Which btw is still being enjoyed by millenials who still are keeping these giant assholes in business. Grandma didn’t make you do that.
Grandmas aren’t forcing you to drive a combustible engine car.
Grandmas aren’t calling up to make the oil companies dump into the sea.
Grandmas aren’t releasing c8 into all the water infecting everyone just so you can have some non stick floss.
These are current day decisions. They are STILL current day decisions of the current generation in power of decision to continue to use, take advantage of, build on top of or change.
so don’t shuffle off the blame off yourself and your own generation are doing to your grandma for what these fuck faces are continuing to be doing in the current generations running the show. They have their own free will and choice to fuck us all up with their selfish behaviour.
If anything: grandmas may have even taught a few people how to knit. And cook frugal with little food because some even lived through a war. Those are actually sustainable hobbies believe it or not. That’s not something you can ‘attribute’ to current day generations for all the shit they partake in that isn’t sustainable. /rant over.
And who, pray tell, voted for the populist shitbags that ushered in the capitist coup that perpetuated fossil fuel and consumerist lifestyles at an accelerating rate and borrowed against their childrens' and grandchildrens' futures?
Carter tried to warn them, but it turns out boomers didn't like being called out on their shit, so they replaced him with one corporate stooge after another.
Boomers aren't entirely to blame, but they are far from blameless.
If you're talking about Ronald Reagan, he literally won or tied in every age group, except for the 18-21 block, which he lost by 1 percentage point.
Friendly reminder that ageism is a ploy used by capitalists to distract from the only meaningful difference between groups: their class. Because the Boomers are gonna be dead pretty soon and posting memes blaming them for societal problems which existed before them and which will exist after the fact is going to do about as much to improve the material conditions of the world and the people in it as it does today. Which is to say: dick all.
Rant back on//
And look at you talk like no one protested in the 1960s about this same stuff during their generation
you didn’t invent the word ‘protest’. You haven’t even gotten your feet burnt on the word yet.
Someone before you invented anti establishment songs that were also popular.
There was definitely an audience.
If anything : grandma’s days of protest make you look like the compliant one. You’re entirely compliant. Just out you don’t get any ash on your Pajamas what with all your ‘protesting’ online….making ….memes.
PS: as much as you want to cry about previous president and voting decisions: watch yourself. For Trump was this generation. You can cry all you want about how you didn’t vote him in but being compliant and not voting doesn’t undo it. So prepare yourself for you’re going to be forever blamed in the future for trump having had power to be destructive.
And you still didn’t protest anywhere near the previous generations did when someone got voted in they didn’t like. So good luck explaining that to future generations. You can say it’s the NRA. You can say it’s the proud boys. But so long as we all use the generational argument you’ve gotten all cozy and latched onto: Trump is going to be considered to be all on you. That is the exact logic you are using after all.
Capitalism is to blame. Not individuals or generations..
That’s isn’t what the OP posted. So just sharing some of that blame so they know it.
First, it's a meme. The context is the grandma is of the generation since the meme is a known thing. It's not specifically calling out grandmas. That seems a bit lost on you.
Second, they did make the decisions we are currently in and fought to make it conventional knowledge. They allowed the mechanisms of balance within the government to go so far off the scale that coming back it so daunting I am not sure how it can get there.
And third, it's a joke. Jokes have hints of truths and hints of fiction. They should provocative healthy discussions. It comes off as super aggressive at some meme. No one is attacking you personally by posting this.
If you are pissed at the situation, I understand. I'm pissed too.
Ok Boomer
Where I am it's 35 deg C. It's second summer going on. Had to start using AC again in the night to be able to sleep.
A friend told me some trees are blooming in Milan
Where tf is that?
It's cold in Canada too, well about 10 degrees. Not quite frost but definitely chilly. The dog needs his coat this week. Hello to you in Poland.
I really miss warm weather
You live in Poland, why do you even need a car?
This makes no sense.
'Round here it hasn't really ever gotten cold until the day of Halloween for as long as I've lived here. It's always so wild, too. 80-90's up until the 31st then bam low 50's to mid 60's, windy and rainy. Like instead of using a dimmer to gradually change seasons, it's a binary switch from summer to winter.
Southwest US too? Another 10 days or so and it'll be nice finally (for like 4 months)
Even if it’s not as cold, going from 120 for weeks to 80 suddenly makes me feel like I’m fucking freezing all the time.
It's 34° C here I want to fukin die
what region??? it's 8 in NorthEast US
it's supposed to be 90°F next week 😭😭😭
Maybe she was some kinda big oil tycoon.
Laughs in 1.5 C
When I was a kid October used to be a lot warmer than it is now. We have snow currently. Fuck this shit
dam i want snow so bad could you give us your snow ?
I'll trade you 80 degree weather with no clouds for your snow
The "okay boomer" era of the internet came and went. Idiotic to blame climate change on an 80 year old person when we know exactly who paid for and then covered up the data suggesting manufacturing and transportation was harming the planet and ourselves.
I don't blame them for not understanding 40 years ago, but I do blame them for not understanding now. Older generations still contain the majority of climate deniers and other heel draggers, and their votes make a big difference.
Maybe for boomers generation we should bring back throwing the elderly off cliffs, then stop. It’ll make future generations wary of the tradition returning. 🤔
your answer is to be worse than the person you don’t like rather than attack the big companies that are actually the ones at fault.. You can stop acting the victim now. You can also stop pretending that you ever wanted a better world cuz you ain’t fooling anyone now.
It's so funny how OP and people like him took the bait from the big capitalists and now are complaining about old dudes that never had any power instead of the ones that had and have real power.
They have no clue that in the future they are the ones who will have fingers pointed at
Fight the machine, the ones in power. Protest, demonstrate, do direct actions, vote! I do my part.
But until we did not succeed in changing the system, it is the most dangerous thing to say that consumers are not responsible.
You should have read the other comments I made underneath this post before judging me like this.
I don't really think future generations are going to blame me. (except in funny memes)
Are they going to blame you?
We all have to stop feeding the machine!
Almost as if the climate was... I don't know, different now.
What do you mean what do you mean used to be cold? It's been getting warmer for years. I remember playing in the snow in October.
It's getting colder in Michigan earlier
One thing I'm unsure of is whether warming is so bad because a) planet was warmer multiple time in prehistory and it led to abidance of life b) we live in interglacial period and if that perid ends we are going to fight much worse calamity and need much more energy. Even getting out could become life threatening.
On the other hand Venus situation is also not ideal.
Speed of change.
Natural climate changes happen over tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years
Not tens to hundreds of years.
disclaimer: opinion here ofc deciding if it is bad depends very much on the viewpoint. But yourself as a human should probably view it from the viewpoint of mankind in general. And then, yes, it is undoubtably bad. It is going to cost humankind an unimaginable amount of money and it'll increase inequality and unfairness in unimaginable amounts. That's also why there are so many people denying or not believing it. A lot of humans are uninformed or unable to grasp the issue on a logical level simply because of the scale of the issue.
Is it though? There are scientists who claim golf stream will stop but also that it won't. There are scientists claiming that warmer temperature will cause horrible food shortages etc but others who say it will also create better enviroment for plants (warm + CO2) which among others are main source of nutrition for humans and animals consumed by humans. It might even extend tropical life rich waters. Human understanding came far but it's still lacking. I'm all for nature preservertion but is building huge wind plants in middle of mountains forest gonna safe us or have any effect as oppose to negatively affecting nature?
We need reason and not sensationism to drive these changes, IMHO.
Shell is currently releasing pure death into the air and water (biggest oil spill 2010 - Barack Obama was a voted in president at this time ) and nestle charges for water use (flint water disaster 2014 - - Barack Obama was a voted in president at this time) baby formula was 1974 - (Richard Nixon ) and dupont released c8 into water supply in 1984. - (Ronald Reagan).
this could have been reversed any time in the past 60 years (even the last 15)
So Whatever your grandma voted for back in 1960 doesn’t matter. There were many voters and presidents since 1960.
Grandma still votes now though.
Welcome to the conversation. I’ll catch up on the point being made here and I’ll even give you the TLDR version:This ain’t on your grandma and who she voted for if it doesn’t matter the president cleaning up the same oil spill. The bipartisan on both sides had its chance. Still failed. So that means whomever voted against her won and got it wrong too.
So is your grandma a member of congress or equivalent for her country, a billionaire or a mega corporation?
She voted for the pro billionaire politicians and was a very good customer of those mega corporations.
Or maybe I posted this on me_irl because I feel like the grandma.
Are you stopped consuming animal products? Have you stopped consuming plastics? Have you sold your car? Have you stopped flying? Have you divested from companies that do those things? Then how is it all Grandma's fault?
Someone's grandma just self identified.
Sophistry and ad hominems provide poor cover. It's just intended to manipulate your own feelings, and avoid unpleasant thoughts you don't wish to process.
I stopped consuming animal products nearly 20 years ago. The last time I owned a car was 15 years ago. I go shopping with a backpack and put food packaging into recycling bins. Many products I choose to buy have a organic and fair trade certificate and are not owned by pepsico or nestlé. I fly long distance about once a year. Trains for short distance.
Thanks for asking, how about you?
October was never cold. You're gaslighting yourself
Coal shoveling anti vax boomer alert!
I dunno, I'm pretty cold right now.
Where do you live?