Underglow in ZMK on Seeedstudio Xiao BLE not working
Hey all.
I am currently prototyping a keyboard with the Seeedstudio Xiao BLE (nrf52840). I configured the shield config correctly & got it working. However, my RGB won’t turn on (followed the ZMK documentation on RGB underglow)
Does anybody have a pointer to a project that got RGB working with Seeedstudio Xiao BLE & RGB?
Are you feeding the leds with 5v or 3.3v? I've had issues with 5v and no shift registers as the led won't pickup the high state of the leddata without a shift register.
I have successfully done LEDS just fine. Per key is a misnomer though. ZMK doesn't allow individually addressing each key. Instead, you'll be using underglow to apply effects to the whole "chain."
See my other response for how I am driving the LEDs :) (Works fine with an Arduino program so that is not the issue here)
It seems to me that I get this line wrong: NRF_PSEL(SPIM_MOSI, 0, 16). I would read this as "Set pin P0.16 as SPI MOSI", however I cannot find a pin P0.16 exposed on the Xiao BLE https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/XIAO_BLE/
Can you give me a pointer where I am wrong?
(my RGB pin is P1.11 / D6, so I would've assumed that I should change this to NRF_PSEL(SPIM_MOSI, 1, 11), I know that the use of low frequency pins is discouraged by ZMK docs)