Bro, is that a hole?
Bro, is that a hole?
Bro, is that a hole?
"This is why I hate RomComs, it appeals to the female fantasy."
(We can both say ridiculous things and be judgemental, or we can just let people like what they like. Not everything has to be "for you," nor "for everyone.")
This game is actually great. I played through fully twice, it's rather short. Highly recommend if you like digging a hole and upgrading your hole digging ability.
What does it say about me that I'm actually interested in buying and playing this game?
It says that you want to experience life but wont/can't sacrifice the physical investment that it involves.
Idk 🤷♂️. I'm not a doctor.
You need a bigger yard. Or a better shovel.
I loved it but needed it to be longer. I want to dig more hole.
The mark of a good game.
My favorite male fantasy that games allow me to realize is that of becoming a successful man despite not executing any meaningful work.
I played a similar game on Roblox: Dig to find dad.
The objective is to bomb your way some 3 kilometers downwards. When you reach the bottom you'll find a grocery store where the dad is shopping for milk. Talking to him reveals that he doesn't want to go home. I don't know if other endings are possible.
I don't know how to feel about this.
Is there an adult around? I mean, I'm an adult but like an ADULT adult.
I just want to play games where i am not a toxic shit head and still get to do violence
Isn’t it bit racist to think only male dwarfs like to dig holes.
Can confirm. Am dwarf, I don't like holes. I like elves, fellowships and killing orcs. And my ax!
Yes, games about my instinctual longing for the mines. ⛏️
From what I've seen, men absolutely love digging holes. Every summer on the beach it's the same: there's always men digging holes. They bring their kids to the beach just to have an excuse for digging a hole, a waterfort, some dams, ... For the kids ;)
So men like holes, kinda expected though?
I know this is a meme but I’m really really hoping that top line is from a skit or something
Nope. It was a BuzzFeed thing about a very very feminist person talking about how gaming only appeals to men. I am feminist, and the piece still got a massive eyeroll from me. They cherry picked a few things and said because of those things gaming was only catering to men.
Worse is that they didn't tackle any actual issues going on in gaming. Just lame ragebait.
IIRC one of the examples was an NPC in GTA 5 making a sexist comment. In GTA 5, which is of course a parody of modern culture, completely out of context.
Builds character
... dad?
Two questions. What is the surse of the top line? What is the source of the bottom line?
"A Game about digging a Hole" its well a game about digging a Hole in your backyard in the search for treasure.
Rock and stone!
Girls can like digging holes too. Sounds to me like someone is looking for something to hate, and really reaching here, unless there's something more subtle to this game (I doubt it).
Seems like the kind of game Dankpods would play.
Finally, a game about life decisions
What was the original game actually shown to her that led to that video clip? Who chose the game, etc?
Meming this is totally justified though. You could easily say that about any and all entertainment media formats without even looking very hard for examples. Its just without knowing the original context I can't help but feel the woman got the short end of the stick with whatever show that was from.
GTAV, a scene at the Vanilla Unicorn strip club specifically
It's... A really fucking stupid thing to bitch about specifically in that game, honestly. Of course a strip club objectifies women, and of course a game about criminality and the seedy underworld will have one
John Wick is a movie about criminality and the seedy underworld, and there's no scene where John Wick gets a lap dance. There are women who appear to be sex workers, and John Wick murders their bosses. The audience isn't invited to participate in the objectification, the audience is invited to hate the antagonist for objectifying women and wish for justice.
There's nothing wrong with a game about robbing banks, because most people don't rob banks, and a video game isn't going to give them ideas. But a video game where you pretend to be a misogynist can teach dangerous habits, because that behaviour is easy to bring out of the game.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the people sending death threats to Anita Sarkeesian for saying games should objectify women less, are the people who went on to storm the capital to try and install a fascist dictator.
She's watching a clip of GTA5 that takes place in a strip club.
This was a BuzzFeed video, Claudia Restrepo was a writer for Oscar Hates Sexism, and the video was something like "feminists play grand theft Auto"
The scenes were specifically chosen to illicit a reaction. I can't find the original video but from what I recall, were some of the worst in the game.