unleash your humanities
unleash your humanities
unleash your humanities
I like your take, but I still prefer this iteration:
Did they reinvent the onion?
Though the character of Indiana Jones or Harrison Ford as a person aren't really worth to aspire to. Sure, the nazi punching part is great but being a sexist piece of shit isn't...
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good here
okay, so, ford I get, but jones was, for a 1930s guy, slightly above average. today he's the equivalent of a guy who maybe was into jordan peterson a decade ago but thinks this andrew tate shit is fucked and maybe we should treat women like people in theory, but kind of fucks it on the execution, and doesn't get mad when you call him out on it, but doesn't quite fix it either. then goes and takes out his frustration on a nazi's face.
and I'll put up with a LOT of misogyny to get some nazis punched.
edit: honestly, shitty incel dudes? you can paper over a lot of being "low value" and "creepy" with a wall full of flayed nazi tattoos. I'm not even straight and I'd consider it with enough of them.
Funny how indi got me into science
Got perm banned from Reddit because I said all Nazis can go kill themselves. Worth it
You can't say that! How am I supposed to kill them myself?
Yeah, kind of "killing the fun" right?! Lmao
I see this comment a lot on Lemmy and it's disturbing. I too was perma banned for telling a Nazi to "go to hell". 10 year old account with no prior bans.
Welcome to the club. 12 year account for me, I told off some mysgonistic redpiller who called another user a slur, I quoted the slur so he couldn't edit, told him to go fuck himself with a telephone pole, the kind with all the nails from years of posters being posted on it, and then reported him.
Mods banned me for "incivility and using a gendered slur," took no action on the other user, I appealed it, they acted like pubescent fucksticks, so to keep talking to people I knew in that community I made a new account, then admins perma-IP-banned me for ban evasion.
I've been fighting this so long that I'm now instantly shadowbanned across all of youtube, google and reddit every time I make a new account. They've gotten very good at silencing users so that their bot-army can simulate human society and adjust our narratives at will. (Yes, google and reddit work together to produce AI bots, they announced it a while back, nobody paid attention.)
Win win!
“Nazi lives matter”
I just said punching. Worth it.
see, that's an untrue statement; I'm sure some are in comas or whatever and might need our help. maybe be less ableist next time and you won't get banned.
I, personally, am willing to help any nazi kill themselves; they only need to ask. because I'm not a bigot.
It's sad, but for studies that don't result in income for the government, they're just not interested in funding it. You wanna know about philosophy? Tough shit. We need more people for the fulfillment centers, you better get good at holding in your pee.
The humanities do not tolerate inhumanity
Well said. If they did, they wouldn't really be humane. Allowing unnecessary suffering is inhumane.
Remember kids, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi!
Also Grammar nazis
I say we normalize this
"Hi, I'm here to punch Nazis and get and an oil change"
Make everyone declare they have no Nazis before you get into business
The dairy company Arla would be in trouble if they had to do this :D
Arla Finland has one of the few most prominent nazis in Finland in their board of directors. There was a bit of a scandal because of this about a year or two ago, but Arla's Finnish daughter company said "we already know, but he has promised not to be a nazi during working hours, and it's every employee's personal choice what they do in their free time." And Finland was okay with that (!!)
Guess if I have bought their products even once after that? 🙃
Well in that case, I suggest you show up and demand they submit their Nazi for punching so you can buy milk from them
humanity is a contract not a gift
Humanities core
What if they cut the funding so that people spend their time punching other people?
To me, it seems like a Luke and the emperor scene. They want the hate.
Humanities don't need funding for expensive laboratories. What's holding back people from making their own college?
it seems like that scene from the end of 'return of the jedi' where
no. please shut the fuck up. so, first, that's a pseudophilosophical hollywood bastardization of a misunderstanding of a whole big complex philosophical system (actually a couple sorta related ones that were just sorta lumped together, because orientalism), via americanized christianity. you understand no part of that. try studying the humanities. please. you need that almost as badly as you need to punch a nazi. feel free to do it while cackling with glee instead of hate, if that's what floats your boat.
fascism is just hate
no. fascism is fleeing reality for a solipsistic fantasy with a blindness powered by feeling persecuted and the thrill of victory. there's a reason nazis like cocaine and meth so much; it's basically the healthier version of what they believe in chemical form. but it's more than that, because they have to flatten the territory to match their incredibly shitty map.
again; please study the humanities. or at least the places where they meet up with STEM and the sex parties get real weird. as soon as you're done punching nazis. which, again, really really desperately needs doing. and I say punch, but I don't actually super care if you punch any nazis, I don't think punching nazis will fix anything.
punching, in this text, is a metaphor for shooting.
My point is not that fascism is just hate. I am sure you understood it though because you made your position clear.
Still I am intrigued to read more about your theories. That STEM and humanities meetup or the complex philosophical system that I don't understand, could you give me a hint on where to start digging?
Humanities don't need funding for expensive laboratories
i suppose so as long as all your humanities knowledge is already solved with no need to travel to new places, study new locations, or talk to new people
According to wikipedia, humanities neither include archeology nor sociology:
The humanities include the academic study of philosophy, religion, history, language arts (literature, writing, oratory, rhetoric, poetry, etc.), the performing arts (theater, music, dance, etc.), and the visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, etc.)
There is no need to travel. The people who research are either there or can be reached via internet.