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Small things youre really salty about?

So like, obviously it's fair to still be mad about the Armenian genocide or fall of the USSR. So I'm more looking for little things most people ignore but You're hung up on for one reason for another.

I.e, my salt would be

● EA buying the developer of dungeon keeper and turning it into a crappy mobile game (I know someone made their own version like the old ones but still)

●In fact actually just the fact that big studios bought up a bunch of immersive Sim IPs and then killed them, either remaking them worse of draining them of all their original charm (Deus Ex, thief, prey*

I know prey got a good remake but that was 90% unrelated to the original prey and Bethesda got that by specifically killing the company making prey despite the fact that they had a functioning product)

●Subscription services being everywhere

● JJ Abrams in general and his stupid mystery box specifically

●Disney in general, and that their live action remakes are such a hit despite being so garbage

● The really annoyingly pervasive idea that a writer is in conflict with their reader and needs to beat them/not care about them (i.e, Emil Pagliarulo's paper airplanes, Steven Moffats obession with besting the audience in his Sherlock remake, Alex Aster's obsession with trying to make sure people won't predict her twists in her Lightlark series, etc.)

●The fact that I'm always told to "just use uber" when I say I don't like having to drive when it's both stupid expensive and the company is the bane of my existence


(Yes part of this post was just me venting, sorry)

  • I don't like it when people say that 'fast food tastes bad and only [insert chud group] would like it'. I get where this is coming from, but fast food is designed to taste good, and for most people it does. That line of thinking really only causes victim blaming for people with health issues due to how addictive processed food is.

  • Wesley Crusher's character in TNG could have been done so well if they slowly built him into a genius instead of Gene Roddenberry using him as a self insert to stroke his own ego right out of the gate. By the literal 3rd episode of season 1 Wesley's fate was sealed and even though the backed off on him and tried making him a more normal character later in the show but people just hated him too much by then.

    Which sucked because he had good character development later on. Like, right as he was getting to be "not insufferable." I remember thinking on my first watch "you know, he's not so bad now" and then they pull him from the show entirely.

  • advertising boards being replaced by advertising screens with video. it makes me apoplectic

  • I'm salty that AA games aren't a thing anymore since investors only want the big moneys and indies are all generic pixel art.

  • I absolutely hate how hardware is made to be impossibly hard to repair nowadays while also incredibly expensive to replace in the Global South. Your month's worth of minimum wage cellphone broke a button? Your options are either paying half the phone price to replace a piece half the size of the phone, or getting a new one.

    • Google/Microsoft everywhere. Anything you do, people expect you to use Google's/Microsoft's suite, and they look you weird when you don't.
    • Spam e-mails
    • Job search, you have to tell even you dog's birthday to apply to any job, 0 privacy, they never tell you why you didn't got rehired, they most times don't even tell you that you didn't get chosen, you just wait infinitely. But it is even worse when there are 10 rounds of interviews, activities and whatnot.
    • Most games run on Linux, the problem is mostly anti-cheats, most anti-cheats support Linux but a lot of games just choose not to turn it on for Linux, so we get blocked from playing those online games.
    • Constant remakes/remasters of games, sequels and "live action" remakes of cartoons, those corps have billions in their pockets, but choose not to take the minimal risk of creating something new.
    • Paywalled articles, there's even the ironic paper about the inaccessibility of scientific research, and that paper was paywalled. But I have found the open source project Marreta (sledgehammer in Portuguese) that works really well to read paywalled news (and remove ads).
    • On Dungeon Keeper, that game was so cool, I'm sad that the same happened with Command and Conquer, Red Alert 1 (and specially 2) where awesome games, but now are dead, and the last game launched was a shitty mobile game.
    • Fantasy in general (RPG, Games, Shows), it is so satured with over the top stuff, that it just stopped being fantastical. You don't find a normal King diminishing the amount of silver in silver coins to fund his war, only a beautiful and rich warrior-King. You don't find a normal small medieval castle, just a 18th century chatteu. Every has magic, so it just loses the charm. Etc etc etc. And the worst thing for me, is how Eurocentric this genre is, and it's not even the enterity of Europe, it is just Anglo-French centric. You never get arabic medieval stuff, chinese medieval stuff, or african medieval stories.
    • Cool artwork, I don't know, I just hate artworks that try to make the character look super cool, it really irks me.
    • When you buy something at the bakery, and the "filling" is so fucking small, you mostly just eat bread dough
  • City council just voted to buy the police an APC (that they don't have a use for, and if they did it probably wouldn't be good) while at the same time raiding the library reserve funds to keep taxes low

    So much frustrating stuff like that going on here lately, and the city subreddit is absolutely unbearable about all of it

  • I hate how it's impossible to get into new things these days without a tidal wave of spoilers constantly being blasted in your face. Take Invincible, yeah it came out 15 years ago but can I go five minutes without someone just casually spoiling a major plot development or even the ending?

    • Getting on fucking YouTube to look up something completely unrelated and having "X characters death scene" spamming my feed like " Oh, thanks fuckers, I guess I can just not care about this entire fucking season I was looking forward to watching. "

      I too, had Invincible spoiled. lol

      • It just fucking happened again. I was going down my home page, not even looking at Invincible and just saw a short whose title and thumbnail was a major spoiler for the last arc. This is just unfair at this point.

  • Nerds complaining about videogames.

    Just kidding, I get that way sometimes as well, lol. I guess it's just something that gets a bit tiring because I see it a lot more often, likely since Lemmy attracts people who are more online/tech inclined, so we tend to have quite a bit of videogame talk on here.

  • Steven Moffats obession with besting the audience in his Sherlock remake

    it isn't even a mystery story, those give the audience the clues throughout the plot so the audience can either figure it out along with the characters, or see how they could have pieced it together at the end and have an "Aha!" moment
    BBC sherlock just pulls answers out of it's backside that were never given to the audience at all
    it's just a not particularly well written character drama where the characters are involved in mystery solving