"Nazis and Pedos should be silenced" lemm.ee nerd "Umm well ACKSHUALLY"
"Nazis and Pedos should be silenced" lemm.ee nerd "Umm well ACKSHUALLY"
"Nazis and Pedos should be silenced" lemm.ee nerd "Umm well ACKSHUALLY"
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@flashgnash@lemm.ee come on in here and defend your bullshit in your precious free marketplace of ideas. Stop addressing the other people that are being more generous than you deserve show your ass.
I've responded to people who are being civil and not making absurd demands like "muh respond now respond now hey pay attention to me or ban!!11!"
You gave a nonanswer about furries and wouldn't even specify the slur in your probably made up gmod story.
Not specifying the slur because that makes it personal and then people's emotions get involved
Won't someone please think of muh civility!!!
I noticed you didn't respond to my comment, and I didn't think I was being too uncivil, not that I really care about civility when it comes to tired muh frozen peaches arguments.
The furry thing is just a weird thing to bring up, who's really hung up on banning furries anymore?
Might not be the case anymore but they definitely used to be
Sorry if I missed your comment I've taken to just clicking clear all when it looks like all of them aren't worth responding to
Haven't heard this term before, what's a frozen peaches argument?
Free speech = freeze peach, which I often twist into more ridiculous forms like ”frozen peaches” or ”freedom of peach” for my own amusement.