Anon touches grass
Anon touches grass
Anon touches grass
As cliched as it is, attitude makes a difference in how you view the world around you. Two people seeing the exact same thing can have vastly different views. Hell, the same person can have different views on different days or hours of the same day. Humans are like that.
To your point we literally don’t see the same things. Humans only “see” a tiny thumbnail of the world at a time even that is a blurry recreation of what reality is actually doing or happening in front of you.
It’s filling in the gaps in real time by old memories and splotched together assumptions. Now add to that other humans together in a group. You’re gonna eventually agree on a reality that you can communicate about and make decisions etc.
The internet has inserted itself in the evolutionary path of humans and inadvertently all life forms on earth. It’s like an alien entity that controls human minds like a fungus would.
The way I see it 4chan is filled with people who have untreated mental health issues. I personally have Anxiety and the world seems dark and miserable (granted im also trans and surrounded by Transphobes).
Shhh. Let them stay at home, I don't need the competition.
Competition? You may be giving them too much credit.
You may be giving too much crdit.
i gotta know where this guy lives because that sounds awesome
Um, pretty much everywhere? Just avoid the upper-class areas and you'll see essentially what OP sees.
Sounds like most major US cities.
Edit: or college towns, even.
Yeah you need to be in a high cost of living area, not in rural hell.
In Brazil, maybe the only thing not as accurate is that here everyone is cute and handsome (the gostosa energy)
Compare LA to Phoenix AZ and you go from the description of all the things the green text says are aren't true to them being reality. 4 Chan is probably filled with people from conservative shitholes hating life because they live in a conservative shithole
Yeah, this is what people don't get. Anon goes out in NY and sees that. Go out in Bumfuck, Utah and this are very different
Hey, I live in Utah, and it's not bad. Sure, there are a bunch of Trumpers, but most of the people are chill. Even in the middle of nowhere.
You can find good and bad areas everywhere. If you avoid the worst of it, pretty much everywhere is livable with people.
This has nothing to do with right/left political inclinations. In the real world people just associate based on things they have in common.
I imagine it can vary wildly within both of those cities. I guarantee that both cities you mention have areas where everything OP said holds true.
Life in a walkable city
This feels weird, but I agree with you, internet stranger.
Perhaps outside is so nice because all the haters are locked inside 4chan doing that annoying fucking captchca over and over.
It's a shame that this is fake gay
Knew it was fake as soon as it started with >Go Outside
And I knew it was gay when they first started talking about guys.
I was anticipating his clarity once the Psilocybin wore off.
Some say that he's still high to this day.
This is 100% true 50% of the time
In only 25% of the world
so 12,5% chance of this being the case? still not bad
✅ Fake
✅ Gay
So "outside" is real? I don't understand. Can someone give me a download like or something?
There is no ceiling
The ceiling stops the eldritch fleshmelter from melting my skin and stealing my vision.
I dunno but am I crazy or is that onigumo?
It’s true
The issue is not that we anons are fat. The issue is our personality. That is why we do not have qt3.14gf.