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I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car.


I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car.

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  • A few years ago I was stealing water from a construction site so my partner and I could flush the toilet. Parked in a development lot in the middle of the night, watching for security guards while I filled a bunch of plastic organizer bins in the back of a van.

    We were several years into a total financial crashout from a combination of major health problems, deaths in the family, and a floundering job market. Things are better now, but I can say at least that I know now what it feels like to lose everything and claw your way back out of the hole. I don't recommend it, it sucks.

    Our nation doesn't want you to succeed. Remember that. In order for the wealthy to stay wealthy, there has to be a class of people who have less or nothing so that money retains value. We're the richest fucking nation that's ever existed, many times over, so if we really wanted we could end poverty, we could end hunger and disease and make a glorious world where everyone is comfortable and able to aim for their own dreams without risk of losing everything and having to steal water to flush the fucking the toilet.

    We're not in that world for the simple reason that a tiny fraction of people want to have things and they want other people to envy them.

  • Money absolutely does buy happiness until you're in middle class and in a fulfilling job. (If you're rich but in a shit job, it means you might have the option to work less or look for a better position.)

    Money does not buy you happiness applies to people who are already rich and are looking for money to fulfill needs way high on the Maslow hierarchy. In fact, much of the tyranny and cruelty within stratified social systems comes from miserable rich people believing they should be happy due to their vast wealth and power yet are not. And our capitalist society has messages everywhere that promise that a new car, (yacht, vacation, lover, religion, etc.) will totally fulfill them and they don't.

    I mean we've had three billionaires shoot themselves into space. If that's not an obvious plead to the gods or the cosmos for a taste of nirvana I don't know what is.

    Curiously, this is a thing that Jesus (and every other divine-ish wise guy) knew about: If we give away our vast fortune and live simply with that experience and wisdom, fulfillment comes. But it means overcoming greed for wealth and power, which is quicker, easier, more seductive.

    ETA: For those of us outside the ownership class, though, money improves our base Maslow hierarchy (better housing, HVAC, better water, better food) and gets us out of precarity (or worse, scarcity) which make us desperate and miserable (which accounts completely for elevated crime in poor neighborhoods). Money buys us out of that hell hole. The only thing better than not being there is to also have the perspective of not being there, which can lead to maybe helping others behind you out... Unless you're Clarence Thomas. (He's a very special case.)

  • Money alone can't buy happiness, but it sure helps with the down payment.

  • but it surely helps a lot, i mean i dont ask to be a billionaire, just enough for place to living, and i dont have to worry about food. and maybe with a pc gaming :) and i hope i dont need to go to hospital because sickness. just die while im asleep.. just burn my body or give it to some lion. i dont care

    pardon my english

  • I'm very close to paying off all my student debt. You'd think I'd be happier with the extra 250 a month now going to me, but.... it's really not a life changing amount. I can afford better groceries, and can save a bit for a rainy day. Other than that, nothing much really.

    Financial independence would be life changing. Not seeing a large portion of my income going to rent, but to a property that I own and can happily invest time and effort into. That would be amazing

  • I just want to talk.

    I made it big. Huge. Motherfucking huge. I bought and paid off my house in 2 years, was taking 5 major trips a year, had all the bullshit.

    Wasn't ever a materialist and was frugal, not cheap. Tried to take the lessons of my grandfather who grew up in the depression with literally nothing, and where he taught me over many years that everything is priceless and worthless at the same time. He was 1000x the father to me than my booze-bag sperm-donator male called my "dad".

    That piece of wire on the ground might save your life. It might just be another piece of shit. One day you go and buy some wire for $11 because you need it, other times you walk past $11 of free wire laying there because you have no immediate need or want for it. I was too spoiled and precious to get it. I want my meat packaged on a Styrofoam tray and there needs to be cartoons on things. No you shouldn't make me a home made metal detector out of a broken FM radio, lacquered wire and a 9V battery because then I won't be cool.

    Through my life and path, I discovered no matter how much material stuff, no matter how lovely the accouterments of my life, no matter how many "freedoms" and experiences I had stemming from my financial wherewithal, there was an underlying thing at the core, the kernel of my being, that had been neglected my whole life. For I was never taught to see it and know it. I hated myself and hated my life and refused to look through the telescope to see that.

    I didn't really find any of this out until I had a humiliation that provoked the beginning of my thoughts of personal transformation. I later heard Miles' Kind of Blue for the first time, by myself, in a separate bed from my pill-popping wine-guzzling wife, wearing Bluetooth headphones. I had smoked a grain of cannabis, my first return to it in about 20 years. Something touched me and I cried. One photon of light hit me somewhere and I couldn't unsee it.

    I later arrested my rage-drinking, or demon-drinking as I sometimes say. When the magical fairy wand didn't dispense the fairy dust on my life and render everything into utopia, I intuited my power-drinking was a mere behavior and really had effectively nothing to do with the underlying issue. Or perhaps it did in the same sense that water in a boat isn't the issue, it's the rotted holes and splits in the hull.

    I aimed myself at discovery and self-transformation and opened myself to anything from which I could take something useful and apply it to my own perspective. After getting into 5 years of heavy therapy which I pursued with vigor, something happened. I connected to that thing that I didn't know existed.

    My life exploded, I effectively went insane, but not insane enough to lose sight of that photon. I lost everything because I was not able to care for myself. I ballooned to 135kg.

    I had $280,000 in my chequing account at one point, 100K of random investments, and I was living in my car and eating at shelter. I was fucked.


    Now my shit is together. I have 1BR apartment and I will never ask or take more. I refuse. I pull things out of dumpsters, clean them, use what I can and give away the rest. I repair electronics and sell them to survive in part. My community is Harkness Station, a bus shelter in the freezing cold snowbank called Winnipeg, where people live - many suffering addiction and abandoned by humanity. These are my friends and I bring them home-cooked food, water, tea, sugar-laden 3am coffee, hygiene, relief of all sorts. My friend Alex who did 4 years hard time for an armed-robbery he set-up, spoke to me about getting sober 2 days ago. He's heard my story but I've never heard those words on his lips before.

    Hear what I'm saying please.

    I got an inheritance from my sperm-donors estate and gave it away. There were more than 5 zeroes digits on it.

    I am moving to Zen. All of the problems in my life are my own creation.

    My grandfather gave me something priceless. My new community at Harkness showed me you can live with nothing.

    We put all of this together and I can say with confidence I'll live in a car (which I don't have anymore because I gave it away), eat at the "missions" and be happy as a motherfucker. Whatever bro. I'm happy inside, I can care for me, and I need nothing but basic elements of mechanical survival. edit: How silly of me. I forgot the most important thing of all, perhaps so intuitive to me it needed not be said, but I think it should be said. I also need the love of humanity and connection to community for we are all one. And where I have no community I will make one because I also need that.