Microsoft: "My PC"
Microsoft: "My PC"
Microsoft: "My PC"
Me with my computer in a different room
"My PC" was even replaced with "this PC" since Windows 11, which feels almost too symbolic...
Another day of learning about Linux from the comments under a meme.
🤭and sometimes, if you wake your linux things go to shit and all you see is black screen and white mouse on it
Sometimes super+ctrl+alt+F8 saves me and I can restart PC from TTY, and sometimes, there is only a flashing cursor. In second case, I have to take hard measures and forcefully manually restart it
(Yes nvidia card with latest proprietary driver and kde on wayland) -> everything latest meaning from endeavour/arch/aur repos.
To be fair, Linux has not been especially awesome at suspended/hibernate/resume, historically.
Yea, I like to suspend my machine, but rather than hit suspend and walk away I have to wait to find out what has prevented suspend from suspending. That and it trying to goto sleep when I don't want it to. Drives me nuts
I started down the Linux route over the weekend and put my computer in hibernation and couldn't figure out how to wake it up from its torpor without restarting. So I'm going with suspension for the time being
Firstly, welcome :)
Secondly, hibernation on Linux requires swap partition 2x size of the RAM. If you didn't set it big enough or did not set at all, hibernation wouldn't work. However if you set it correctly, there should be another reason to consider.
If you are not sure, you can use this command on terminal to compare your RAM and swap sizes. free -m
Nope. My Linux Mint randomly wakes up from sleep mode all the time. It's just a bug. Tried to fix it, never found solution. I guess I am fine with it. Well. Not really. Help me if you can!!11!!
My first guess world be unplug your mouse and keyboard and see if it still happens. Your mouse or keyboard could be sending phantom inputs sometimes. If it's a laptop maybe not though or you'd have to test it another way at least. But it's the first thing I'd do.
Apparently you can see which devices can wake your PC with cat /proc/acpi/wakeup
. S3 should be sleep and S4 hibernation. Though I have no idea which device is which.
Lspci and lsusb will help you match up with the list
Put chrome on it, that should fix it
My PC meaning "My" PC
"My" in My PC means "Microsoft's". All the Windows PCs in this world are all their's.
Windows is too self-important. Daddy, chill.
Windows would always wake from hibernation/suspension by itself after 2 or 3 hours. Truly a feature, not a bug
I love how they wake up in my backpack so they can overheat AND drain the battery at the same time.
That's efficiency.
Reach into your backpack and get 3rd degree burns.
Why is this true 😭
Actually my LinuxPC also wakes up from sleep ramdomly. Damn you nvidia...
Linux users when their computer won't boot because they fucked up their grub config again: (Totally not me)
Are you distro hopping? That's when my grub would fail on me on a monthly basis.
Or just installed few months of missing updates, looking at you my broken Manjaro dual-boot
Just don't use a rolling distro.
A lot of systems use systemd boot. Also, why would you be modifying Grub?
They're trolling and have no idea what the fuck they're talking about. I've literally not had a bootloader failure in a decade from multiple Linux OS installs.
The only time I had an issue was when I was playing with a bleeding edge distro and it borked full disk encryption, but that was INTENTIONALLY bleeding edge and I knew the risks.
The main thing I'm learning from this thread is that a surprising number of people don't shut their machines down when they're done using them. Which is wild to me.
As someone who knows how to manage the power and update settings in Windows to prevent this from happening, I am learning that Linux users may not understand how to actually configure Windows to their liking. Which is wild to me.
No point. Sleep works great and live updates are flawless.
A lot of modern windows laptop don't let you shut them down.
They use something called Windows Hybrid Sleep and it should be illegal. Selecting shut down in windows will keep the machine in a state where it will turn on at random times to check for updates. Especially fun whrn in your backpack creating a furnace.
Thankfully it can be disabled via AD policy.
Ah yes, the greek hydra of IT. Disable one policy, two more shall take it's place.
Or just disable the Fast Startup option
Ah yeah I forgot about hybrid sleep as I turned if off years ago and forgot it existed. Such a nonsense feature.
I remember you have to press either Shift or Alt for the shutdown button to actually shut down the PC.
is that not on by default for every windows installation?
Why would you? Sleep uses so little power and the resume is instant.
If it wasn’t for S0 standby being such a piece of shit I’d never shutdown my computer unless it was for an update or hardware maintenance.
Just like the brain computers need off-time to calm their electrons and unflip their bits.
/s but a lot of issues really are solved by a reboot
Sign in states for tokens expire when you power cycle. If you're in IT or moving between classes, not only would you have to wait for power down and power on each stop you make,you'd also need to sign into every tool you use that requires credentials. I work as a field tech for an MSP. If I had to shut down at the end of each stop and boot back up then I'd have to spend 20-30 minutes signing back into my RMM, ticket system, azure portal, knowledge base etc on top of the site specific stuff I'm already going to have to sign into for that stop. Sleep great. Just disable S0 sleep.
That's ass. Your bosses should be moving away from that shitty software
The only reason why my uptime is only a month is because I took my PC with me on a work trip which involved packing it.
me too. i see no reason not to shut it down, unless boot time takes way too long (you dont have an ssd), you use windows (always takes too long), or you have a bunch of apps open and don't want to lose the workflow.
though i just have to shutdown anyway because my pc is right under a couple of roof leaks and it might rain while i'm sleeping or not at home
When I got my first (and only) PC, it was outright SUGGESTED to never power it down. By HP. So yeah I just sleep my computer, and yes I have to deal with the bullshit in the meme lol
Always wondered why the fuck my PC is awake before I even touch it.
Back in the day we did that because it too long to boot so we never shut it down.
20 years later we have servers at home that we never shut down.
To be fair I don't always use it like that but suspend is convenient if I have a continuous work that is scattered all around.
what i'd day is "always turn off your computer when you're done using it", meaning you sleep it when you have work you don't want to lose.
As sucky as modern Windows is, all you have to do to avoid this bullshit is to shut down the pc at night or whenever you're not using it. That being said, half the time Windows updates, it tries to sucker me into subbing for Microshart 365.
Not even that. Go into Task Scheduler and disable the "Update Orchestrator" task. Problem solved.
Until the next update reenables it.
Really the only OS that where hibernation and suspension works smooth enough for me has been MacOS so far. Windows wakes up the whole PC to do things. On Linux you get GPU related power state issues that cause weird things. On MacOS it has always "just worked" for me. Still not buying one though. Rather shut down my machine.
My only windows is force upon me as my work laptop. I sadly actually work for Microsoft. I literally only use it to SSH to my virtual machine running redhat.
Microsoft really enjoys forcing updates at the worst time when their employees are trying to work. Sometimes it literally just makes me stop working for that day. Their loss.
Doing what, working on Azure? Also why not just run Linux locally?
Accurate. Because mine won't turn on anymore after sleeping.
My Windows 10 computer eerily waking itself from sleep got me in the habit of shutting it down completely every night. I'd be lying in bed, turn over and open my eyes, and see the light of the screen reflecting off the wall. It was like something out of a shitty horror movie about computers taking over the world.
To this fucking day, even in Windows 11, it takes "Update and Shut Down" as a mere fucking suggestion. About half the time, it'll restart after the update and just sit there chilling at the login screen. Not a single fuck given.
Linux is a breath of fresh air by comparison. Though, if you choose to run Arch you need to stay on top of updates or else a day will come where you won't be able to update because you're now too far behind. It can be fixed manually, but it's still annoying and a little scary if you're not familiar with it.
ACPI enabled BIOSes and UEFI support wake timers.
Windows uses this feature to wake the PC all spooky like so you don't get to click the update button yourself.
While Windows doesn't have an Arch wiki, the instructions for turning the automatic wake feature off are a web search away. You'll need another web search to disable automatic updates though.
Imagine your oven or clothes iron turning itself on while you're not home. Why TF people just accept their computers doing this is beyond me. Either it's a boiling frog situation, or people simply don't remember the times us users had complete control over our devices and think things were always this way.
As an 80s/90s kid, I can tell you they most definitely were not.
The software is arrogant and needs to know its place. It serves the user. It should obey.
You can update arch from any point of time to the current, it just takes a bit of time. Just use arch archove and update by month or two.
i didnt know arch did that. never happened to me, though i guess that's because i update it like once every month or every two months, sometimes every day (depends on how long i can forget about updates existing)
The GPG keys that are used to sign packages expire and are rotated something like every six months to a year. If you don't get the new ones in an update before they start being used, pacman will refuse to update at all.
It's easily fixable, but if you don't know that, it can be quite intimidating.
Windows wakes up from hibernate? How tf is that happening? Also how tf it knows when to update when its hibernated/sleeping?
from what i understood it wakes up randomly to check for updates, then goes back to sleep. or maybe it just stays on? im not sure
CPU interrupts. There are timer interrupts that can be used for this. In hibernate, only a tiny fraction of the CPU is changing the transistor states. A transistor only uses power when it changes state; i.e. "off" or Hibernate. Transistor state changes when you cycle the clock on a CPU. Anyways, set the register for the timer interrupt and signal the CPU for Hibernate. The timer circuit is still listening to the clock while the rest of the CPU stops listening to the clock. Each clock cycle you subtract one from the register. When the register reaches zero, the timer interrupt wakes the rest of the CPU. Just like moving your mouse or pressing the power button; they signal an interrupt which wakes the CPU.
There is a thing called wake timers on Windows. There is also Wake-on-LAN but not sure if that's enabled on default or not.
Did anyone else ever notice that Windows's enshittification really took off around the same time they renamed "My PC" to "This PC" ?
Always seemed like it was a subtle indicator they no longer considered it your personal computer but rather one they so graciously allow you to use once in a while.
Sus timing, though it's certainly just branding.
The whole "My-" prefix for "My Documents" and "My Computer" and all that is something that was around since the 90s, and really served to emphasise the "Personal" in "Personal Computer" at a time when PCs were coming into the home for the first time.
Nowadays that branding is really unnecessary and feels pretty antiquated too, especially in an era where most stuff for most people is online, and the emphasis is more on connected seamless stuff rather than a cute little folder to put your things in.
Our computer.
Their computer. You're just a user.
You should factor in that nowadays it is fairly normal for a single person to have multiple computers, so "My PC" is not specific enough anymore.
I'm always so amused when people are like "Uhm, actually, when you shutdown your PC it's not turned off, it's sleeping so it ca.." - Bro, no. sudo poweroff. It's off. Completely off. In fact, it would be hella annoying and fucking useless to configure sleeping.
Windows does not wake up from "hibernation" to do "updates". What it really does is sleep walk during S0 sleep (aka Modern Standby) to check for updates, slowly draining your battery. Classic hibernation is not available while S0 sleep is supported by the BIOS.
Mac is also guilty of this.
What it really does is sleep walk during S0 sleep (aka Modern Standby) to check for updates, slowly draining your battery
More importantly, telling Windows to shut down doesn't really shut it down, it puts it to sleep.
So just uncheck the Fast Startup option and it does not do that anymore.
My ex had one of them RGB everything rainbow gamer PCs.
Windows would auto boot to update in the middle of the night and turn the whole apartment into a rave...
damn, that sucks
also because that's the only thing about that ex i know, the only conclusion i can make is that you stopped dating because of random middle of the night RGB raves
Just flip the switch on the back of the power supply after shutting down the computer or turn off the UPS.
Open terminal, run shutdown /s /t 0
That should do a complete shutdown that windows can't wake itself up from.
I just unplug my computer when I'm done with it. That way it doesn't update.
It makes a cool popping sound as my speakers and screen flash off.
Don't forget to degauss your monitor one in a while
You could also hibernate and flip the power switch afterwards, if you're on a desktop.
I'm bottom even when I used windows because I turn it the hell off when I'm not using my computer.
Yes. Same with my TV and everything.
isn't the joke in the bottom that the pc and you are both sleeping tho
Nvidia users having to shutdown anyway because the computer will hang when trying to put it to sleep:
It didn't hang up for me on Linux; though I had to disable sleep anyways since after waking up it seemed like every frame had an error and was logging said error into a growing 500 GB syslog
fun story, i almost went crazy for troubleshooting why my desktop (mint cinnamon) often wouldn't autosuspend or even turn off the monitor.
after a good half a year it turned out to be three different issues. autosuspend and monitor were two separate issues in cinnamon that i found a workaround for, and i also found out from the log that something wakes it up every now and then. at first i thought my cats stomp on the keyboard, but they avoid touching it. what actually happens is that when my other cat hops off my chair, static electricity wakes the pc up...
that is crazy what
This would have to be enabled on the Motherboard or something because Hibernate is essentially a shutdown with the RAM saved into the Hard Drive, unless they've changed that.
Its called "modern standby" or something, and is the main option for suspending windows laptops I believe
Most modern mainboards don't even support ACPI S3/S4 anymore. The ACPI spec is pretty badly written and most implementations were flaky in some way. So when ACPI S0ix (aka Modern Standby) came around the old states were essentially abandoned.
Of course S0ix is less a hibernation and more kindly asking the OS to turn off the screen and consider using fewer resources.
Just shut it off when you arent using it like a normal person.
unless you're gonna use it later, like in case you have a bunch of programs open that you'd need to reopen and open a bunch of project files
edit: for some reason my train of thought went everywhere other than the rails at the start
happy atomic distro noises
Wow, that being a thing sounds surreal Oo
Windows user who turned that shit on within an hour of installing the OS:
Devils advocate time: Windows does this because users are stupid and will never update their PCs if they don't have to. I've met too many people who never update their tech. Operating systems and the software they run is far too complex to be 100% secure so we mitigate that by updates. They are a necessity. The vulnerability responsible for EternalBlue was patched and pushed with a windows update before the ransomware attack, how many users ignored it? Windows is so annoying with its updates because it has to be.
I know I'm not awake because I read your first line as "Devils advocate time", as in "Devils argue in support of time itself. "
I'll have to discuss this with the time-being.
if you always shut it down, when it has an update it'll force you to update and shut down. but people don't like shutting down their pcs for some reason so yeah ur right
My PC having hibernation off in windows and system power off in S5 from bios.