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  • A few unwritten rules I've found useful over the last couple of years since moving to Lemmy :)

    1. If you're missing a particular smaller or niche community - be the change and create it!
    2. If someone is challenging you in a thread in good faith, respond in the same way
    3. If they're just being a dick, don't waste any sort of mental energy on them - just block them, forget them and move on.
    4. If you're the one being a dick (and be honest, we all know when we are) walk away for a bit
    5. Don't be too proud to ask for guidance but do it in the right communities :) e.g. don;t ask for tech help in a community thats not about tech help.
    6. Be prepared to see a lot of Star Trek memes and Nicole spam.
    7. Bask in the warm glow of an open source, privacy respecting, non-corporately controlled environment.
  • Yay to all the fresh lemmings. Welcome welcome! Just don't be a dipshit please.

  • Haven't checked Reddit much since creating this account. Thought I might use both but Lemmy is genuinely much better. The only thing I haven't figured out is how to visit the original instance from within voyager and how to make my feed more diverse. Currently it's very politics heavy and I don't wanna unsub from those communities but other stuff kinda gets burried.

    • The only thing I haven't figured out is how to visit the original instance from within voyager

      Top left of your feed, hit the arrow and at the top left you'll see the option to view only subscribed or all posts on your local instance (or all posts from all instances).

    • I would use two accounts, one dedicated to non politics communities

      ! can help discover some of them