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Your Ideal RPG Series or Campaign

Saw a discussion on reddit today and thought it might be interesting. Name the system, media influences, and basic plot ideas. Mine is: Over The Edge, Film Noir: Four friends in 1935 are involved in a plane crash in the desert and end up in Al Amarja. Stuck without papers or passports, the group is forced to take piece work from the criminal element to survive. A cross between The Maltese Falcon, Naked Lunch, The Lost Weekend, and Sullivan's Travels.

  • I'm running mine. I'm playing Pokemon Tabletop United with my friends. Going for Pokemon Ranger and Mystery Dungeon vibes, but in an industrial revolution time period, with the main quest being a One Piece-style journey to the other end of the world, to conquer the unknown Wilds and meet the gods. As my players Trek through the wilderness, they'll have the opportunity to impress the gods, earn their favor, and compete against other Explorers to be the first to reach the End of the World

  • A west marches style campaign in the 40k setting. My first thoughts for this would be either the players are rogue traders or they're a bunch of hive scum and have different gangs as factions.

  • A modern day police procedural, likely using either CORPS (if I want crunch) or FATE (if I want drama). Think something like Law & Order without the fascist apologia (but WITH Jerry Orbach!) expanded a bit to include peripheral characters including the criminals, the families of both sides, etc.

    And then the world ends.

    Well, not quite ends, but there's a rather sudden drop in the standard of living as the half of the world facing the sun gets burned to a crisp, in effect, while the ensuing massive wave of fire and plasma scorches most of what is left. Only very small portions of the world survive (and that only barely). Nobody IC will know how or why it happened (I naturally will—it's one of the scenarios taken from CORPS Apocalypse) but when it does, the characters will have to face living in a world where most of humanity is dead, the trappings of civilization are gone (most important of those being the supply chains that keep cities alive!) and all that's left are the buildings and a rapidly-dwindling supply of essentials.

    I tried doing this once when some players were saying they wanted a campaign that would surprise them. And surprise them it did, but apparently this was not the kind of surprise they were looking for. I want to try it again with players who will be strongly warned in advance that the campaign will go completely off the rails and change genre after a few sessions of play establishes their characters, their personalities, their relationships, etc.

  • I have a few campaign ideas that I have been kicking around in my head for a while. They were all options that I gave my players before we started our 3 year campaign. We ended up doing a classic DnD 5e adventure using the Acquisition Inc. rulesets for them to run a business / do downtime activity which has been very fun so far. It was set in the world they did their previous campaign 50 years later which they loved

    The Revolution
    Vaguely based on the mythology around American Revolutionary war as shown in Hamilton, The Patriot etc. Basically a remote colony that is breaking away from a larger empire that is on the edge of a new "unexplored" and "empty" territory. The players could be revolutionaries, empire loyalties or hired guns.

    The Hunt For the 12 Talismans
    This is a straight up rip-off of Jackie Chan adventures where the players try to find the 12 magical talisman in a vaguely Asian inspired campaign world. This I really liked because its a limited campaign since we can have 12 adventures to get the 12 main magic items.

    Wildspace and Wild West
    Aliens and cowboys. Classic western feel with a mix of space travel and advanced alien technology within there. I originally planned it to be set in a Spacejammer type world with that being the mode of space travel with their classic baddies as the BBEG.

    I would like to DM one of all of them some day. They are all system agnostic and am focused mostly on the feel and general vibe.