Fucking leeches
Fucking leeches
Fucking leeches
How is this legal.
In a word, corruption.
In two words, legal corruption.
In three words, blatant legal corruption.
In four words, United States political system.
For everyone here's a fun thought experience. You have a room with 100 people. In that room is 100$. 1 person (Elon Musk let's say) holds 95$. 4 people (let's say various CEO class people) hold $1 each. The remaining 95 people share the remaining 1$.
And yet here we are all fighting because some of our deluded asses think we are going to be one of those 5 people one day.
In the case of the screenshot, absolutely.
I have a question though, and I am curious about the perception here so please be honest as to what you think about my situation. (EDIT: I have received a few responses, and they are terribly informative of all of your perceptions. I want to thank you all for contributing your knowledge to my understanding, as I think by ingesting it, it has made me a better person. Thank you!)
In my case, I own a condo. I worked my ass off doing technical shift work and my parents were fortunate enough in their lives to give me a gift of $20,000 dollars in my local currency to try to buy a home. I am floored. I never thought I would afford the opportunity to potentially own a home of any kind.
I buy a small condo. Two bedrooms. One living room with an attached kitchen. The floors of the building are thin. I can hear my upstairs neighbors walking around and opening and closing doors and drawers at all hours. The insulation is bad, it is cold in winter and hot in summer. I am happy. I have a roof over my head, and I answer to no one for the walls, the fixtures, the plumbing.
I lose my job because the business I worked for fucked up and lost some clients. Because of the lack of cash flow, I and many others are laid off.
I hold on for as long as I can but eventually the cost of mortgage, insurance, groceries add up. I go on unemployment insurance. The economy is fucked because of covid, no one hires me for a year and 6 months.
My unemployment insurance runs out after having submitted 4 resumes daily this entire time, maintaining a log of them for the government EI program.
When I only have a couple thousand dollars left in my bank account, if I want to keep the ownership of my home, I have to move in with my parents again and rent my condo out to keep it at all. My dream of being able to just exist in a home I own is at stake.
The government EI program calls me in for questioning to insure I am a legitimate case. I feel some of the most stress and fear I have ever felt. Logically I know that I have been doing everything I can, but somehow I still feel guilty for having to take advantage of it. I perform the interview, I bring a document detailing the URLs, Descriptions, Dates, everything of every job I have been applying to. The interviewer shows shock on her face. I get the impression that the level of detail I have been maintaining is uncommon. They let me leave without incident.
For rent I charge the exact amount that I have to charge to cover mortgage and insurance, legally required, to maintain my the ownership of my home and nothing more, no profits. I have lived under abusive land lords before and the way they operate disgusts me. I will never be that, I would die before I let myself become that.
A Ukrainian family, Husband and Wife with their 3 year old Daughter are the first to apply. I discuss the property and their lives with them and they are some of the strongest, most responsible, wonderful people I have met in my life who came to my country to escape the situation in theirs. I accept them as my tenants immediately because I recognize how absurdly lucky I am to have these people living in my home, given how smart, how responsible, how kind they are. I promise to myself that at the first opportunity, I will show them the same kindness.
I finally find a job, even though it doesn't pay much, and begin reducing the cost of their rent because I can finally afford it. I begin paying rent to my parents because they are owed that. My bank account begins saving about $100 a month in case I have an emergency I need to cover.
The interest rates lower and condos begin to become cheaper. I intend to lower the cost of the rent based on this when my tenants renew the lease.
This is the last 5 years of my life.
Am I a leech?
This is what people mean when they say there is no ethical consumption in capitalism. Yes, you are a leech, but only because the system has forced you into it. In a different system, neither you nor the Ukrainian family would have housing insecurity.
I don’t say this to judge you, btw, I think we should applaud every landlord who keeps rent low. Just pointing out that it’s impossible to both “keep your hands clean” and “get ahead” in capitalism.
Absolutely not. Do what you got to do to move back to your condo.
my parents were fortunate enough in their lives to give me a gift of $20,000 dollars
just FYI, when you use a dollar sign you don't also have to type out the word "dollars"
This is tough, because even though you are charging your tenants the exact amount of your minimum mortgage payment, you are still earning equity in an appreciating asset-- eventually you will be able to turn their rent payments into profits. Now, in my opinion, your level of exploitation is very low, and barely worth considering at all.
I would like to move back into my home when it is affordable, but these people are so wonderful that at whatever juncture I owned the property outright and was not paying mortgage, I would lower the cost of their rent to just the insurance cost if that happened, and allow them as much time as they required to find something that works for them before doing so. I know they would understand. I have been up-front about my situation with them from the very beginning because I am not a liar. I am incredibly fortunate to be afforded the potential ability to do such a thing, because my parents are not too concerned with the living situation. It would also bring me immense joy to only charge them $700 or $800 as rent if the mortgage were paid off, just to cover the insurance costs. It would bring me greater joy if I could charge them nothing without bankrupting myself.
Like I said, I never want to exploit anyone. I just want to try to survive like anyone else, to keep what I have. If there are opportunities along the way to help other people, I would much rather that, and if it costs me an absolute zero, or occasionally a little into the negative at this point, that is fine by me. I would love to have these people live in my condo forever for the actual lowest possible cost, or to have their own fully owned home, but if I go bankrupt, the fucking bank or insurer will just take the condo away from both of us.
Thank you for your opinion.
On the one hand you're getting someone else to make full payments on your mortgage. On the other hand, it's your sole property and the only way you could maintain ownership of it. You weren't profiting over cost, or collecting money from the renters that would go to maintenance (the only actual service/labor that landlords perform). Your choices were practical, not profitable. At least less profitable than you might think. Profitable to the minimum that the system required for you to keep your one home. Short of a revolution where all mortgages are zeroed out, it sounds like you did the best you could.
I don't believe binary logic is very useful. So I'm not going to answer "am I a leech" because I don't think it has a yes or no answer.
You have an asset that you can't afford, and to afford it you rent it out. That is absolutely valid in a capitalist society, and many people do it. This allows you to hold the asset instead of selling it. That means there's one fewer property on the market, which means that if somebody wants that home they have to rent it from you, where your equity increases and they get a place to live. Again, in a capitalist society this is absolutely valid. And it's not like you aren't taking risk, you could get a bad tenant and they could damage the unit, in turn decreasing your equity. One common "protest" I've seen among renters is to poor grease down the sink, damaging the plumbing over the long time, creating a huge long term cost for the owner. Or flushing cat litter down the toilet, causing a blockage, and similar results. You are accepting risk, and capitalist society says if you accept risk you deserve reward. But from a human-focused perspective you get a very different conclusion.
An issue many people have with this is that the renter is gaining no equity and you are while you aren't contributing production to society. In the world we live this is valid. Another example of this would be dividend stocks, if you hold KO (Coke) you get quarterly dividends, and really you're not actually contributing anything. These are capital gains.
My biggest issue with capital gains is that they're usually taxed lower than labour gains. I think that should be reversed. If capital gains were heavily taxed and that tax was used to better the community then I think it would have more justification. But I digress,
If you sold that property it would probably just go to an investor, but in a world where people couldn't own investment properties it would go to a person or family who would live it in, allowing them to build equity themselves. The number of properties being held and rented out has an impact on the homes available to people buying, or rather being forced to rent.
But ultimately I believe that renting and charging rent is bad for society as a whole. But I also don't think you selling your property wouldn't have any meaningful impact. I think it needs to be a systematic change to be meaningful.
So I'd say you do you, but you are taking advantage of the system and renters. But that's the reality of the world we live in. Doesn't mean it's OK, but does mean you can do it. Also means I won't have sympathy for you if somebody damages your property. But maybe that's because I'm a bad person, I don't know.
I firmly believe homes are for living in, not generating income - even if that income is only to maintain your ownership on your asset. But if you follow that perspective your life will be a bit worse.
Like I said, I don't take the binary perspective.
My biggest issue with capital gains is that they're usually taxed lower than labour gains. I think that should be reversed. If capital gains were heavily taxed and that tax was used to better the community then I think it would have more justification.
This is exactly the issue. It is what divides the upper from the lower classes. When you are the asset any issues in your life are compounded and there is no liquidation option like you have when its all assets. The safety nets are so drastically different between with what level of "becoming whole again" that its ridiculous we have gotten this far with capital gains not being seen as a real privilege. But that is why we are seeing a major generational gap between the realization of how bad things have gotten.
An issue many people have with this is that the renter is gaining no equity and you are while you aren’t contributing production to society.
This is true and I understand.
There is however a government program in my country where people newly immigrated to the country who are renting can rapidly increase credit based on input from their landlord.
While my tenant cannot gain equity as a result of this situation, I notified them of this program and they signed up, allowing me to increase their credit in this way.
I am fully aware this is not a great trade-off regardless, but I wanted to do what I can because I recognize that any rental deal sucks. When I rented from a shit landlord, every day of my life felt like hell because my money went into a black hole from which there was little benefit. I was not even making enough/paying enough to make credit to get a mortgage at the time.
In addition to this, my tenant wanted to try to set up their own business, and needed an address for the purposes of a business license, so I absolutely allowed them to use the condo's address (whether or not I am legally required to - I did not even bother looking it up because I want to do everything in my power to help this person and their family out without bankrupting myself).
I agree with you as well that selling to an investment firm/for-profit landlord would be worse, and that there has to be some systematic change. A world where one cannot profit from property is one I would want to live in, because if this were the case, I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
You are a person in a bad position, nothing more nothing less. If you are providing a competitive rate for rent you are benefiting these people, especially since you were up front with them. Your plans were not to be a landlord but this is where you have been forced. Hopefully you are able to return to your home soon
Obviously that depends on how you define "leach" and this community is going to give you a fairly skewed perspective.
there is one separating detail that is not shared between most of us. It really depends on how long that tenant lives there. if they are living there for a long period of time and like the place, then yes you are a leech, but a good one since they enjoy living there enough to stay. On the other hand, if you switch tenants often because of high rent costs or bad housing(maintenance included), then you are just simply a leech and not a good one because you are not even providing anything, you instead are holding the property that is simply rotting away with no way for the family holding it to be able to make changes or work towards making it better as they don't own it. If they leave for other reasons outside of your control, then you are not a leech and provided good housing for someone.
Since this isn't usually known by most and takes time to build that moral ideal, it is usually up to you to consider how to act and there is not really an incentive or demand for you to act morally good. Your current living arrangements, life choices and poor job market is not applicable here, you held a home and still operate on living on someone's paycheck. I hope the best for you and anyone who might be put in a bad spot, I know I am in my own bad spot. Would I try to hold myself to a moral high ground? maybe, though pain is short and I will likely still act not morally good at times, though I am not going to consider myself otherwise but a leech if I do. I would rather make sure I can get new tenants by making sure I get the current one is able to get one that is better or their own property, and help someone new with housing. That is what I think a good landlord could do but if the family likes the house then I can help them afford to buy it off me. See it is just business.
That is only for leeching aspects. I bet there are more complex thinking involved but this is what I think who a financial/real state leech is.
They act like everyone could do this.
If everyone did this, the system would fail, because the profit here is scooped off the top with no actual production or service.
It would also require everyone to own 4+ houses which isn't exactly feasible
Landlords don't contribute to society
Quite the opposite in fact.
Yeah they contribute a lot of pain and suffering
I had to rant in a couple of comments because I drives me crazy when people defend leeching.
On a more constructive note: Housing cooperatives. I think they should be more widespread. Some people come together to build a house and then live in it for the cost it takes to actually support it. No crazy big apartments with a reasonable amount of people (roughly one bedroom per person), shared luxury such as gardens, in house shops, hell even a pool if you want. There is no leeching, just collective ownership.
Housing cooperatives (wiki) are quite great. Where I'm from they are rather common, but unfortunately the 'buy in' costs have increased a ton in the last couple decades. Even then, paying e.g. a third of what a comparable owner apartment costs, still makes it a lot more affordable for many people.
If it would destroy the economy if everyone did it, then it should not be doable in the first place.
It's funny that one probably-landlord downvoted this. You know who you are, scum-sucking leech.
That's true for teachers, too.
If it is a lifestyle that would destroy the economy if everyone had it, then that's another story.
If everyone went to work every day for 8+ hours for the direct benefit of the members of their community, the economy and the community would both be incredibly healthy.
If everyone purchased the tools that other people need to live and work and decided to rent those out instead of doing their own labor, the economy and community would fail.
This should be incredibly obvious.
What? Your comment doesn't make sense. If everyone did any profession solely we would destroy the economy. If everyone became doctors, there would be no engineers or pilots. We would still be doomed. A diversity of vocations are necessary regardless of which vocation.
*Edit. I was thinking maybe you mean investments. But the same holds true there. AND because of hedgefunds and private equity it's becoming more and more of all the money funneling into a handful of companies. All the economists are sounding alarm bells on this. But considering the direction our leaders are taking us, I think this is all part of the plan.
It has little to do with the "profession" and more to do with the distribution of goods. If everyone owned rental properties, nobody would live in these rental properties, meaning for lords to exist there must be serfs.
Step one: Have a shitton of money to buy property to rent out.
Oh, you don't have enough money? Hhm, have you tried not being poor?
it's about suggesting that the social order that propped you up and elevated you basically arbitrarily based on birth is a reason you're cool, and not just some shit that happened. none of this is about actually helping anyone. if they actually believed this shit from the bottom of their hearts, breathing a word of it would be fucking stupid.
The meme specifies Mortgage which means they also don't have any money. They obtained a loan that they will be paying back for 15 to 30 years, at which point the property will deteriorate to a much lower value if any at all. If they sell the properties then they will owe depreciation recapture which works similar to a capital gains tax, as if it were additional income on top of the actual capital gains tax on the sale of the property itself. Plus closing costs to realtors.
I used to have my own place before my wife and I got married, and she had her own house too. When I moved in with her I decided to rent out my place to a friend, otherwise I'd have to still pay like $650 a month for my mortgage. I set my friends rent at $900 a month for him and a friend, with cats. I paid my mortgage and had some extra to save up in case a repair was needed. Average rent for an apartment (not a house) was 1200-1500 in the same area. My renters ended up taking better care of the house than I ever did. It was beautiful when they lived there. I ended up making about 5k to 10k extra bucks over the course of a few years and my mortgage was paid for me. Eventually they had to move out due to some issues between the two at which point I sold the house and made over six figures(net profit, not gross), off a house that cost less than $80,000 when I bought it.
See what I did there? I charged a reasonable rent and still made a totally stupid amount of money off of just one property. I wasn't a goddamn parasite who tried to bleed my tenants for everything they were worth.
People like these total shitbags. They're the reason why America's youth have no future
You made a profit from people who thought they were your friends. Classy.
That's nice, but you shouldn't have an extra property to rent out to others when there's not enough to go around.
Using my “friends” to pay off a personal debt while making $250/mo in profit off them. See, it’s possible to be a good landlord, everyone!
Did you share any of what you made from the sale with your “friends” who helped you pay for it and kept it in good condition for you?
It seems like it was a situation where everyone felt like they got a good deal and nobody felt taken advantage of. He gave them a better deal than they were going to find anywhere else.
To me, it doesn't sound like he was exploiting his friends.
I live in the UK and many neighbours of mine are "professional landlords" and it is so annoying seeing them so relaxed and doing nothing while I am stressed and anxious at my job.
Your "friend" still paid a substantial portion of your mortgage and gained nothing from it beyond being out of the rain. You used him and paint it as mutually beneficial.
How is a stable comfortable place to live 'nothing'? If being out of the rain was all it took we'd all live in tents and this conversation would not occur. Owning a house and keeping it repaired/functional is hard and expensive. You don't do your side favors by acting like our boy kept his friend in a locked closet when we all know that isn't true.
You still take someone elses money, just less of it.
See, when the Landlord charges reasonable rates, and actually provides services in exchange for that rent (helping update appliances to newer, having paperwork on hand for any code/inspections needed for property changes (that the landlord would ultimately benefit from,) and in general treating it as a matter of 'I have obligations' instead of 'I will do nothing but I will absolutely blame the tennants for the inevetable crumbling of the property.'
I dislike the concept at base level, but that is a someone who is trying to not be a scumbag.
Someone who needs a place to live in and doesn't have the money or doesn't want to buy their own place. IMO, it is a fair trade as long as the landlord isn't a cunt. The reasons to why they don't have enough to buy their own place have nothing to do with a single landlord, some people don't want to take roots in a single place. If you wanna go to war with someone, go to war with companies, ban companies on owning and renting places, not people.
TBH I think you're even overstating how lucrative it is for the average person. Most houses don't double in value, most areas don't rent for $1500 USD, most tenants don't maintain properties well.
Are hotels parasites too? When you lease a car, are the dealers parasites? How about short term rentals for traveling nurses. Are those parasites too?
If I own a house and have roommates, am I a parasite too?
Grow up man. Renting a home has advantages that people like me pay for.
The place I'm renting is in an amazing area that I would never be able to afford. My son goes to school in a nicer, safer area.
I can move out whenever I want to without worrying about selling my place.
When something breaks, 1 phone call and my issue is fixed.
I pay less than a mortgage and the money I save, I get to diversity my retirement/investment. Instead of dumping my entire asset in a home.
It's simple to be successful:
Or have bought pepe right before it went to the moon.
Yeah I guess I left out "lottery winner"
All so that none of their tenants can afford any of those four things without constantly struggling!
To be fair, they're exaggerating in order to scam people. Not that many people paying actual double mortgage, especially if you count any kind of upkeep.
But that's just another way of leeching.
In reality, you would have needed to own these rental properties for decades to have enough cash flow in them to make you enough to live on AND pay for their mortgages, maintenance, insurance, taxes, and property management. Even if you do manage to get a rental property, it will likely initially lose money. These people are likely selling something else, which is the dream of that life. So, they want you to buy their course or something. These people are all the same. "Let me show you how I make X passive income, by selling courses about making passive income."
Agreed. I know people who own rentals and barely make enough to cover the cost of constant repairs. Rental properties are only lucrative if yer a piece of shit landlord. People probably make more money offering courses on how to do it than actually doing it.
Not entirely true everywhere.
If you go into the poorest places in the county you can own apartments and have them paid for in no time. You can charge HUD twice the going rate and make life miserable for everyone by destroying the market in those areas.
Take where I live. The average rent in 2012 for a three bedroom, two bathroom home was 400 bucks. Now 13 years later it is 800-1000. Way higher than inflation.
How did this happen? Well, landlords exploited a program designed to help poor people by overcharging it and causing the rent to go up everywhere. Why rent to steady job Steve when meth head Molly’s check is always there because HUD pays her rent?
I know the three men who bought up all the property in this entire area.
One I know very well, so I’ll focus on what he did.
In 2010 he bought 3 apartment buildings for 115k each. They were all built by the same people in the 50s and are nearly identical with three bedrooms in each unit, but one of those bedrooms (in the downstairs apartments) has no window so can’t be categorized as a bedroom, only a closet.
So HUD pays 800 for the ones downstairs, 1,050 for the ones upstairs.
Each building has 4 apartments.
That’s 6300 a month for the upstairs apartments. 4800 a month for the downstairs.
That’s 133,000 a year for apartments he paid 115k for. The previous landlord only charged 200 a month. He has changed nothing about them. They were only fixed up enough to qualify for hud with the cheapest materials available. Nearly no upkeep. Pay a local drunk to redo the roof every few decades. Bam.
I’ve been living here for 8 years. I have nearly paid for the apartment myself.
How did dude get money? You guessed it. Dad helped him start businesses and everything grew from there. He has always paid his workers minimum wage and recently started selling off his businesses because being a landlord is easy peasy.
In the 8 years I’ve lived here, the only thing he ever had to fix was a leak outside.
Before he took it over, the entire building was on the same water and electric bill. First thing he did was separate all that so people handle their own bills and he gets as much as he can get.
NONE of the original tenants are here now. They all got priced out and replaced with easy money HUD recipients.
I’m the only one left who actually pays my rent in full. I’d say he’d be stoked if I moved out. I would, but I’m just too damn lazy and my upstairs neighbor is amazing. If she ever leaves it might motivate me.
I would like to say that many many outsiders have been buying up property here for the last decade and a half. They’re stopping now they they’ve made it impossible for us natives to buy a home.
This place is so poor that I almost had a house for 5,000 dollars in 2003. You could get homes crazy cheap here back then. That same house recently sold for 130k. It has been remodeled, but that was around 2009.
One county over things are still like that if you’re brave enough to live there. I had a problem once over there and had to call the police around 1 AM. “All of our officers are asleep at the moment, but if it turns out to be a big problem call us back and we’ll wake one up.”
Let me show you how I make X passive income, by selling courses about making passive income
Coaches selling training courses to train new coaches and then for consulting to grow their coaching business is a whole thing as well.
Yea, this is what I was thinking. I have two houses and rent one of them. Both houses have a VA loan, but the rental of one does not even cover the mortgage for both.
That math is not mathing.
Of course I'm not charging insanely inflated rent, I just needed to move and decided to rent the old house for 2-3 years instead of selling it.
Note: These types of landlords are renting it out at 3x the cost of their mortgage though.
What's weird to me is that the first one pays for their vacations and the second one pays their mortgage. If I had rental properties I would do it the other way around.
Rent-seeking is an evergreen relevant Wikipedia article
Gotta love when it applies to it's original namesake
Groceries and vacations aren't even liabilities. Fella doesn't understand accounting well enough to fake use it properly.
Born on third base. Thinks they hit a triple.
i've literally paid more in rent for my small apartment than the entire (5 unit) building is worth. i crossed that threshold years ago.
Renting is a scam.
It's a shame so many of us have been convinced to fall for it.
I'm glad I got out years ago, but the housing market is abysmal too.
The problem is that too few people have too much and the rest of us have to do without enough. We need to unite against the ruling class and redistribute their wealth if we want our situations to improve. It's literally the only way.
They will kick. They will scream. That means it's working.
If they are happy, it means we're getting f**ked.
Yeah, you could buy a pretty decent house in an attractive part of the city for what I've paid in rent for various small apartments over the last ~25 years but there's literally no chance I'm ever going to be able to afford to BUY real estate.
I also liked your album, Elder 😁
I worked in the rental industry for a minuet, and I left because the people in the industry do not think of their renters as people. To property owners, renters are objects that you put in a property to make the property generate money.
Any reason why we can't just change the tax code to make this thing less viable? We disincentive things all the time. Like we can carve out exemptions for situations and things I'm sure but like, this shouldn't be how to run a society.
Any reason why we can’t just change the tax code to make this thing less viable
Culture. Too many people think those who have more deserve more and those who have less deserve less.
It's the same idea that made slavery so accepted in the South. Most Southern whites did not own slaves; they could not afford it. They still supported slavery because they supported the idea of owning slaves, that maybe one day they could get a slave of their own.
Same goes for why we have so many dirt-poor paycheck-to-paycheck useful idiots going to bat for their oppressors; they're hoping that one day they can be the oppressors. Oh, and they don't want to admit they're being taken for a ride.
Until this culture changes, we shouldn't expect things to get any better.
Any reason why we can't just change the tax code to make this thing less viable?
99% of state and federal level politicians are owned by these leeches and/or ARE these leeches.
In other words, almost all of the people with the power to do anything about it have a vested interest in NOT doing anything about it.
this shouldn't be how to run a society.
Yep, easiest way to solve the housing crisis is a scaling tax on property ownership and rent. The first property you own is taxed relatively low, with it scaling exponentially as you add more properties.
Increase the tax rate to 100% on all profits from renting/leasing residential properties. You can still rent out housing but you can't make a profit on it.
Fwiw, while this would be a disincentive, the 'real' money from this is the ability to leverage at a high amount.
If you mortgage a property you effectively get to leverage your capital 5:1, and your return is made by someone else paying the interest on your margin, any below the line profit is a bonus.
So if it's costing my business $100 month (mortgage, losses) and the tenant is paying $100 (rent, profits), your net profit is 0 but you are effectively earning $80 on that $100.
So you would need to also reclassify what it means to be a real estate professional, to prevent business from being able to claim real estate expenses as a loss. (As well as the tons of other aspects like depreciation which give you time value of money over the life of the property, depreciation of assets within the house, and other tax benefits.) in fact it's possible to take a 'loss' on a house and rent it for less than your mortgage, and still come away making money
Just sayin there is more to it than just black and white P/L
If you took every property that individual people owned and gave every one of them other people, we would still have a housing shortage with insane prices for a home. Shitty as most landlords are, the real problem is massive companies that buy up houses.
Where are you Mario?
Got ratted out by a mcdonald's worker.
ITT: People that have no understanding of nuance, or parasitism versus symbiosis. Some people actually find ownership to be bothersome, some people prefer leasing cars instead of buying, some people have good landlords, some other have shitty landlords. But let the hyperbolic nonsense fly and let's nuke everyone and everything!
"some homeless people like living on the streets!"
Yeah I put that part about nuance for a reason.
Most people renting are doing so because they believe the houses they can afford "aren't good enough for them."
The houses most people can afford would just get destroyed by police during encampment sweeps.
For the SUM of your tenants' rent to pay for your mortgage and most of the upkeep? Probably fair.
For ONE tenant to cover the whole mortgage? Geez, that's not nice, to put it softly.
It dpends. I rented out my old house for about 5 years because I couldn't afford to sell it (underwater) mortgage was ~$500 rent was $650.
Well okay if one tenant is renting the whole building it's different.
I don’t think just because people are landlords that makes them bastards though. We’re letting a house out and I think we treat our tenants well. We don’t rip them off, we fix stuff when it’s broken, and since we have a fixed rate mortgage our costs haven’t gone up in several years and so neither has the rent.
Why do you have an extra house when others don't even have 1?
A few comments around saying, "not all landlords are bad; I'm a landlord and I'm pretty okay." Where are the tenants saying, I'm happy to pay rent to my landlord?
I'll be one.
I've never owned property. I'd like to, and I think there's a huge evil in the scale and manner of property/land rental that goes on, and I'd much prefer an overwhelming change toward most people being able to own their home.
But not all of us are in a position to own. Nor does everyone want the responsibility and the overhead (ownership can be expensive too!). I'm glad there have been landlords from whom I can rent a place in each of the places I've been.
The appropriate criticism here is about corrupt markets resulting from restricted/scarce housing supply. Fair markets that encourage abundant housing supply, are ones that would lead to "perfect competition" and fair ROI on capital. The oligarchist/capital supremacy model of US/west corrupts markets against abundance, because extortionist profits fund politicians to protect extortionist profits.
UBI, not democracy, is the important freedom that can address structural corruption, but still the option to rent still needs to pay for the capital/expense investment in allowing you to rent.
corrupt markets resulting from restricted/scarce housing supply
Housing has a hard limit as there is only so much ground available in desirable locations. Building houses also needs resources and labor and takes a while.
We can go pretty high, but 3-5 stories has easier construction, and doesn't need expensive elevator system. 4th and 5th floor without an elevator advantages young people, but reduced rent still can be profitable vs stopping at 3 stories.
As a former property manager my motto was rent until you can own. I hate the 4 percent rent increase in la. Even if there’s more income it’s impossible for young people to save and I hate it.
Even if there’s more income it’s impossible for young people to save and I hate it.
That's the point. It's why I always laugh whenever someone says "they're a business and they need to make money!"
It's like, that money is just going to the landlords of their employees more often than not. We can hopefully see how that rhetoric is a roundabout way of defending the profits of people taking advantage of us.
The working class has really sold itself out.
The type that looks up to Clarance Thomas.
And if you do really well, you might even be able to get Clarence Thomas to look up to you!
Tenant Slave
Nobody likes a cheater.
Question - is it unethical to be a landlord IF your only rental properties are garages in an area with plentiful and free street parking, and the land couldn't be used for housing if the garages were torn down?
Renting out commercial properties are not a problem. Nobody needs a warehouse or an office or a hard stand to live. Most businesses either buy their own property or they need the flexibility to outgrow small offices, or to rent a hard stand for a few months or years.
Renting out residential property is and always will be parasite behaviour.
the land couldn't be used for housing
why not?
But generally yes, garages are less of a problem. But there is no ethical renting (under capitalism).
It's a 12ft by 20ft garage on a tiny subdivision of a house's plot of land. Not zoned for housing and not large enough to even fit a mobile home. Just cut off of someone's backyard.
I don't understand. What exactly is the complaint here? That they're over charging or charging at all?
Or is this just bandwagon hate on a common and ancient business practice?
Because there is nothing immoral or unethical about having multiple rental property.
And don't give me this shit about how they're evil for over charging. The middle class holds all the power all we're lacking is organization and education.
Because there is nothing immoral or unethical about having multiple rental property.
Wrong. Nobody should have extra houses to "rent out" while hardworking citizens can't afford a single house of their own.
The reason why we don't have enough is because they have too much.
Stop being a useful idiot. It's falling out of fashion.
The complaint is that they're a leech on society, and proud of it.
It doesn't matter if a practice is ancient and common. So is organized crime. Being old and normalized doesn't imply it has value.
There is absolutely huge moral and ethical, and pragmatic, issues with hoarding essential resources, such as housing. Homelessness is a growing problem, and these people are gladly treating it as a money-making scheme. Society would be better if they had productive jobs instead. As a collective, landlords are responsible for systematic preventable homelessness and death. Most moral frameworks consider that very bad!
The middle class? As far as I'm concerned, the two important classes are the worker class and the owner class, and the leeches can't survive without the host. If there are people tricked into thinking they're a middle class above us, they'd better figure out that they're a thousand times closer to us than to them, hopefully before our collective desperation turns to violence.
Because there is nothing immoral or unethical about having multiple rental property.
You're charging someone for you doing nothing so they can have a basic need to survive. It's very immoral
If you're gonna try to defend an immoral act with
Or is this just bandwagon hate on a common and ancient business practice?
Then Ill assume you're pro-slavery and move on
Charging for housing isn't immoral just because it's a necessity. By that logic, grocery stores are immoral for charging for food, and doctors are immoral for charging for healthcare. Property ownership and rental markets exist because providing and maintaining housing costs money. If your argument is that the system should be reformed, fine, let’s talk solutions. But calling all landlords inherently immoral is just lazy thinking.
Also your comment on slavery is offensive which I believe is the only reason you added it which makes you sound even more stupid.
ITT: people who want free housing without understanding the costs of owning a house
Or maybe just quality, affordable, public housing?
Look at what Finland has done for an example.
Imagine that, people in the wealthiest nations in the world, wanting to meet their basic needs for survival with dignity. Ha ha ha, when will they ever learn, right my friend?
Owning a house isn't that expensive.
I own one. It's so much cheaper than renting it's not even funny. I could pay someone to do all the work I don't want to and still come out so far ahead it's not even funny.
Renting is a scam and only useful idiots and scammers defend it.
In this specific example the 4 rental homes likely don't even pay for themselves. Add up the mortgage, insurance, maintenance averages, and property taxes then divide by units and subtract the average rent (include vacancies in the average): that's how much you make per tenant.
At most I could see a profitable location with 4 units covering groceries and vehicles, but not vacations. You would need more like 8 or 9 units for that. Bonus points if they're combined into a single building to reduce maintenance costs and save on heating.
This meme seems to specifically target mom & pop level operations. If the Tenants are really such victims they should just get together buy the property out.
If the Tenants are really such victims they should just get together buy the property out.
If they could do that, they could probably buy a better place and wouldn't have to live there.
This person has no idea what he's talking about and we should all ignore him accordingly.
Every job involves having other people pay for your living costs.
The key difference is that these goods and services wouldn't exist if you were not paid to do the job.
If landlords didn't exist, then all housing would either be government-distributed, socially-owned, or obtained through mortgages.
If the workers building those houses didn't exist, then the house wouldn't either.
The only difference between a system for housing with a landlord, and one without a landlord, is that the landlord is an intermediary that shaves some money off the top any time money is used to pay for housing, even when the building is already fully paid off, or they aren't there, and your money just covers the cost of construction and maintenance directly.
If nobody is allowed to own more than one property, should everyone be forced buy? Where would renters get apartments from?
Look into public housing in Finland.
Government-provided housing, social housing where your payments get you partial collective ownership, cheaper mortgages now that landlords aren't artificially inflating the rates?
The government. They used to provide housing in the UK and then they stopped and stopped building new houses and now they’re unattainable for most.
Yeah some people desire to be exploited! Send those kids back into the mines! /S
Can you give me a serious answer without the /s
If I inherit my grandmas apartment, can I put it up for rent since it’s a small apartment in a college town and there will be takers.
Or should I sell it so I don’t become a “landlord”, which is bad?
Should all students just buy an apartment for the 4-5 years they spend in the city or will the city be the landlord for them somehow collectively? Or is it less bad if the college is the landlord by offering student housing?