What year is it?
What year is it?
What year is it?
Seems like s poorly chosen question, then.
Probably just for the memes.
Oh I see
Everyone always jokes about the French protesting everything ..... yet they're the ones with better worker rights, better social benefits, better public health, better wages .... meanwhile, the US never has mass protests and they have the worst worker rights, low wages, low taxes for the rich, high taxes for the poor, no public health care and few supports for the poor yet the country has the wealthiest people in the world.
There seems to be a pattern and the French figured it out a couple hundred years ago but the Americans haven't.
When France had issues similar to the USA, people in charge completely lost their heads... Literally
Also the average French person understands how democracy works, with paper ballots and checks.
Americans tend to blindly trust any old oligarch putting up software to vote on. And are incapable of introspection on the matter.
The two systems are not the same. Like comparing religion and science.
I wish Americans were as brave and as passionate and as educated about their republic as the French.
What's going on? What are they protesting now?
Gestures vaguely
Saunters meandering path downward