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  • Teleporting 7 inches still sounds kinda badass, would be very useful in a fight or you could just stand and repeatedly teleport to recreate that OK GO video.

  • I shall abuse these toaster powers thoroughly and for my own amusement. Every toaster on the planet will go off at the same time!

  • "What is the meaning of toaster?" Is a powerful question. Either able to push buttons and push levers down if the intent is toasting bread, or making a heat coil glow with the intent of cooking bread. Either way, the nuclear industry would be ratically altered. Theres also just a industrial toast factory secretly sponsored by big "nuclear" deticated to making, shipping and toasting bread as slowly as possable. With propaganda for toast simmar to "Got Milk?"

  • There's no rule saying I can't pick more than one so

    2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

  • I think 3 is the most useful. You can use it to reach things just out of your height range and maybe as a party trick. I'm sure there are other uses for it too, given enough time I could probably think of some other uses too.

    • There's no mention of a cool down. You can repeat it as soon as you've fully materialised at the first 7–inch destination. Assuming teleportation is immediate, and there's no refractory period, the distance limit is effectively meaningless.

  • toaster control, if there's no limits I can fire toast as fast as a bullet