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How can a glass shower pane shatter by itself?

Basically I have a shower with a big glass pane and I was in bed and heard a massive crash and went to look thinking someone might be breaking in but no the shower glass pane shattered itself and nothing can fall on it or anything. So I’m so confused. Any ideas?

And before anyone jumps to anything paranormal I’m sceptical of that type of stuff.

  • Existing stress, changing temperature and shifting building structure. Any and all of those can cause it

    • There could have been a defect that caused immense stress in the glass. Alternatively, there could have been microscopic cracks caused by mishandling. Or both. Either way, a tiny temperature fluctuation was probably the final straw that broke the camel's back. The actual root cause probably happened several years ago.

  • This can happen if you tighten any screws/knuts that hold it in place too much. It creates enough stress that when there is enough of a temperature change, the weakeness presented by the fixture can cause it to shatter.