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  • Well what do you expect us to do about it; completely change our way of living as we know it and have been choosing not to do so for the past 50 years?

  • New cyberpunk future just dropped:

    Companies mimic existing console terms and agreement whereby their products are still their property despite you having bought them, and can now demand ownership over fetuses as they are now at least 1% company property. WW3 will be between the Applings, Googlers and Amazonites. Personally I'm rooting for Amazon because out of those three they've already gone the cool route with how they've mentally roboticized their work force; exchanging parts of their bodies with actual machine parts is just the next logical step and will help them do their jobs better and faster. The Googlers will still have an edge because they know where everything is, and they know how it all works. The Applings? They're the scrappy underdogs just like they are today; no one thinks Apple can keep up and they keep dicing with death but keep winning even though the odds have been stacked against them; Apple's the plucky underdog it's always been, coming up with brand new gadgets every single time.

    Honestly corporations keep showing us a brighter and cooler future! If we're lucky, blade runner and cyberpunk 2077 will just be the tip of the iceberg.

    The secret in all this though? Everyone cuts a deal with the Nestlers; they'll own all the water, and that water? Primary source of fetus microplastics; you want to tip the tides in favor of a new legion of Applings in twenty years? You grease the Nestler palm.