The karaoke bar is hyped up. You're next up and you have one job: kill the vibes. What song are you singing?
The karaoke bar is hyped up. You're next up and you have one job: kill the vibes. What song are you singing?
The karaoke bar is hyped up. You're next up and you have one job: kill the vibes. What song are you singing?
Right now, as someone not from the US, star spangled banned would ruin the evening more than anything else I could think of. Everyone can recognize it, arguments would follow.
"what what in the butt" with the dance, no censorship to save them when it's live.
I did this with “Everybody Hurts”. Everybody went outside.
I looked for this to upvote it, but y’all ain’t listed it yet so here goes:
The Drugs Don’t Work by The Verve
"Peace and Love (Blind Man's Penis)" by John Trubee
A Passion Play.
The entire thing. Including the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles.
(Side note: I love this album, but as a karaoke performance I can't imagine it'd go down well)
Saw this irl once. Two dudes, totally tone-deaf decide to sing Aqualung by Jethro Tull... a duet.
Same bar had a dude that would sing Disney princess songs every night. He never went home alone.
Shout out to Dante's in Seattle!
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Long song with not a lot of singing.
Gummi bears theme song
I don't know how you got to that anwer, this would go hard as balls
I'm killing the "hyped up" vibes and getting everyone to cozy comfyville
In the UK any of the below should do the trick, with the added bonus of possibly getting you stabbed and/ or glassed:
Gary Glitter - My Gang
Rolf Harris - Jake the Peg
Lostprophets - Last Train Home
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus.
I could butcher anything, but that, I'll butcher it with glee.
If you would have said Party in the USA, I would be up there butchering it with you.
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. It's a Debbie Downer of a song, it lasts forever, and it gets really repetitive.
Such Small Hands - La Dispute
I think I saw you in my sleep, DARLING
La Dispute would get my up my guy.
Hum the Russian national anthem
Was thincking the same thing
Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love - the original album version where there's around 20s of motorcycle sounds and vocals start around 1:50.
This was my favorite song to play on a jukebox back in the day. I could put it on 3 times in a row for a dollar at the local bar, and it would take over the sound system for over half an hour. There are enough transitions in it that it flows back into itself fairly well.
The Mash movie theme song...
Through early morning fog, I see Visions of the things to be The pains that are withheld for me I realize and I can see That suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please The game of life is hard to play I'm gonna lose it anyway The losing card I'll someday lay So this is all I have to say Suicide is painless (suicide) It brings on many changes (changes) And I can take or leave it if I please The sword of time will pierce our skins It doesn't hurt when it begins But as it works it's way on in The pain grows stronger, watch it grin Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please A brave man once requested me To answer questions that are key "Is it to be or not to be?" And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?" Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please And you can do the same thing if you please
I Need a Hero. Can't live up to the best version, but I'll try my best!
My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
I literally cannot imagine a situation where the whole group doesn't sing along to this. This is a batter answer to, 'what song to bring people out of their shells?'
The Smallest Church in Saint-Saens
If you went up there and did the entire songs including informing when they movements began and ended … frankly you’d be a legend.
Live - Lightning Crashes
People would get into it, but it would definitely kill the vibes before then.
I feel like Desert Sessions - Letters to Mommy was made for this.
Baby Shark, followed by Wonderwall.
The Mountain Goats' "No Children", but very intensely.
Depends on the crowd. I did this song once because I was just so excited to see it (any Mountain Goats, really) available.
The crowd absolutely loved it. People at the front row singing along, having a great time. A guy thanked me after. Surreal. Like a "then everybody clapped" moment.
Must have been a bunch of Moral Orel fans, I guess? Or, I suppose after people butchering Bohemian Rhapsody all night, this was the palate cleanser. Who knows.
I would be so hyped that someone is playing The Mountain Goats in public I would probably join in.
Bullet by Hollywood undead
Hollywood undead is my go to energy music when I can't think of anything else. :::
In the arms of an angel....
Best answer, IMO. Whole bar in tears.
What's New Pussycat, 21 times in a row.
"Hey hey wait. Let's throw in one It's Not Unusual"
Instrumental version of Tequila
Blurred Lines
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot. A jaunty little sea shanty about a ship sinking in a storm and killing everyone on board.
I sang that two nights ago, at our local open mic. Went over very well, but then again the average age was probably over 70.
It's a banger though, as long as everyone in the bar is over 35.
This is definitely the wrong answer.
Wouldn't work as I'd be singing along
Urgh just whatever I think might be fun at the time, it's always bad
The Great Gig in The Sky by Pink Floyd.
This made me laugh
Bloodhound Gang - A Lapdance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying
I find it quite a thrill...
auld lang syne
If you're in Scotland when you do this people will sing along with you
Somebody that i used to know
I repeat the last song.
Or anything from an obscure screamo band.
Goodbye my Lover by James Blunt would work to kill a hyped up mood.
Weird Al.
Or Eminem.
Or Weird Al's Eminem parody.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this at a dueling piano bar. The crowd was into it.
Ave Maria. Twice.
¿Cuando serás mía?
But if you sing it three times agent 47 will appear
Dead puppies
"Loving You" as Im a guy who cannot sing and absolutely does not have Minnie Ripperton's range. It would be horrific and I would lean into it with all my might.
Isn't that just karaoke? here ya go
That guy could hit nost of the notes except that one. I cannot hit any of the notes as I am unskilled at singing
the internationale
Wacht auf, Verdammte dieser Erde!
The Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns
We Are the World which might be fine if everyone in the bar was fifty-plus, but wouldn't work today.
Karma Police
It might be a singalong in Canada where it was a part of the popular compilation Big Shiny Tunes 3, which was 8x platinum.
Assuming the audience is old enough 🙂.
Summer loving
Alice’s restaurant- Arlo Guthrie
I worked with a 17 year old once who knew the entire lyrics to Alice's Restaurant and would recite them, not sing them, in the most deadpan voice.
I miss that guy.
If that kills the vibe, you got the wrong crowd.
“Memories” from Cats
Bad Manners - Special Brew Singing to my wife
All I want is a barrel of you...
Woman Is The N***** Of The World
(Although anything by John Lennon would probably work lol)
Wtf? I have never liked the Beatles, I find most of their catalog grating to listen to, and most of their lyrics either nonsense or fart sniffing. This one, though it's a Lennon and Yoko, has to be the pinnacle of sniffing their own farts.
Yeah, even ignoring the obvious issue with the lyrics, it's a dog shit song.