Why can’t good people make interesting music
Kid rock should be a point on the graph, not a section of it.
cause hes a big something else. hes not making good music, nor hes good himself. hes definetly big... something.
Kid rock makes music for people who smoke newports through a hole in their neck.
Kid Rock makes music for people who don't pay their child support
Those circles are too close to kid rock
The three circles can overlap. Peter Gabriel, for example. Probably David Byrne, Brian Eno, Nina Simone too, off the top of my head.
I can think of a ton, actually. The just don't overlap with a fourth circle, "mainstream appeal," they're all folk singers like Phil Ochs and David Rovics. Most main stream is probably Todd Snider and he's by no means nationally popular or anything.
AURORA came to mind immediately as a trio candidate.
honestly, probably most musicians
This is being very generous to Kid Rock.
Duuuude I just discovered this guy, been binging all his videos.
"I'm gonna tell my dad!"
in order to be a decent human being and make interesting music one has to pass the kid rock stage