What is a fun childish thing you still do as an adult?
For me, it's sticking my hand out of the window of a moving car. Whether I'm driving or not, I love having the windows down and waving my hand in the wind. I've loved it since I was a child and I'll never stop doing it!
Holding a plate of food or a cup of coffee and pretending it is a spaceship flying through the air, dodging the chair, the table, the house plant, over the couch, down the canyon of the coffee table and chair and carefully up onto its landing pad at the end table. A few times I've had some near misses and hit a wing or the underbelly on an obstacle. Once or twice, I was witness to a terrible tragedy as I lost my ship as it spilled out onto the living room floor. Perhaps it was the lack of airplane noises that caused these terrible mishaps.