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Will using non-gmail hurt my chance of getting hired?

I'm using Proton right now. Someone suggest I should get a Gmail instead for higher chance of success. Is that true? How risky is it for Google sanning those mails in terms of privacy?

  • Are you trying to be hired by Google? Then, maybe ;)

    More seriously, I don't know if this matters. Do people really care about the address?

    I've been using my own domain names for decades, what I'm using behind that name doesn't show. But I'm also old enough I don't need to worry about (un)pleasing any potential employer.

  • @umamiwasbi Getting hired for what exactly?

    My gut feeling is it might decrease your chance of getting hired by an average soul destroying big corporate, but increase your chances of being hired by a better company that values autonomy and people who think differently.

    This can be applied to many other aspects of how you come across. Better to be genuine and let that exclude you from the bad roles, and improve your chances with fewer but better ones.

  • Employers most of all want to know that you're reachable and willing to jump hoops. If you want to be seen and hired by the status quo, then yes you will need to show that you pray to the same Holy Trinity as them:

            LinkedIn   GitHub
               \   /
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    You can then feed this professional gmail account into your private Proton.

  • I would be surprised if this mattered, but I don't know for sure. The more serious problem would be if your sent emails get caught in their spam filter.

  • Protonmail is a widely used and common email provider. There is no reason why an employer would be prejudiced against your application based on you having a Protonmail address. I think a far more common thing employers think about when seeing applicants' email addresses are things like "haha, they're still using their email address from when they were 8 of alexdaboss at gmail dot com", but I highly doubt they care about what domain it's on unless you've got like a address or something.

  • Shouldn't make a damn difference! Ask this person to explain their thought process