If people don't want others to be Doomers, why arent they doing something about all the doom in the world?
If people don't want others to be Doomers, why arent they doing something about all the doom in the world?
If people don't want others to be Doomers, why arent they doing something about all the doom in the world?
I’m convinced most of the accounts accusing people of being “doomers” are astroturfers trying to gaslight people into complacency.
No it just doesn't get you anywhere being a doomer. I grew out of it
We're all living and we all know things are fucked. Just some people are better at dealing with it than others. Doomers can't deal with it
Recommended movie viewing: Everything Everywhere All At Once. Might snap you out of it if you go in with the right mind set.
Everything Everywhere All At Once was about appreciating what you have in life and the people around you and not giving into hopelessness because you can't attain some romanticized perfect life. It's not about ignoring the horrible things going on in the world for the sake of your own peace of mind.
Being a doomer makes you complacent though?
If you think we're doomed, (like I kind of do) you lose motivation to do anything.
I don't want to be a fucking doomer I want people to convince me to stop being one and no one seems able.
You have to use the doom & gloom to motivate you into action. It’s a useful piece to differentiate between performative and productive actions.
Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
Hey cousin, let's go bowling
It does seem like a happy-go-lucky activity.
It's hard to know what to do.
I'm concerned about climate change. I spent 20 years not driving, buying locally, going to protests, organizing my local political party, avoiding flights, and trying to work for NGOs.
It kinda sucked. I missed out on things. I didn't have much money. I spent time trying to figure out how to do the right thing. I didn't have a car, so getting around sucked. My stuff sucked because I thrifted.
When I had kids, I went mainstream. I got a car. Started traveling on my vacations. Bought stuff new. Got a job with a corporation. Life is so much easier. The only thing I miss is volunteering.
I still vote my conscience, and try to buy sustainably, but I did my time. I'm done sacrificing my quality of life while assholes are living it up.
There is definitely a middle ground between trying to do every possible thing you can and saying fuck it I've gone corporate. And regardless of the truth of the matter, there is also a compromise in thinking between every little thing I do matters and nothing I do matters. If you do it and it makes you feel a tiny bit better then that's another thing you are doing for the environment and for your own sanity. You've been at the far end of the spectrum doing a lot to help, it's unlikely you have actually hit the opposite end of the spectrum. Maybe the best you can hope for is that some of your history and small actions rub off on your kids and people around you, and the next generations will be ready to fight harder, because they are going to need it.
Yeah that is the thing. Even if everyone did what you were doing, the main pollution is still not coming from people but large companies and the like. It's like recycling. Make your life shittier but nothing really changes. Your life just sucks and you feel better about the environment even though no noticeable change happens but you did your part.
Im doing the sacrifice thing but not really. I don't like cars to begin with and live near transit, new things suck and I can find quality thrift stuff, the not traveling I can get but I have a lot of nice things to appreciate in my area. I don't organize or protest though and work based on pay and perks. I have a sick wife so I have enough on my plate and if someone thinks im not doing enough they can walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me what they think. Of course I vote though as your nuts to not in a democracy. Like many things its nice to experience them while you can. ("you guys remember federal parks. oh yeah those were great. and voting. that was so cool.")
Unless you're a billionaire or willing to shoot someone vigilante-style, there's nothing you can do that's going to impact anyone outside of your own neighborhood.
But if everyone brings positive effects their own neighborhood
...it'll probably be out done 1000x by the negative effects of an industrial plant or something....
but it will still make your part of the world a nicer place to be!
But if everyone goes hunting for just one billionaire…
It's okay to make your own neighborhood a little bit better though.
What if I don't like my neighborhood because its full of backwards morons?
That's kind of tautological, isn't it? "Unless you're willing to make the world better, there's nothing you can do that's going to make the world better"
I was having a great morning until I remembered how broke i am and that I have to go to the pawn shop after work to pawn something for gas money. But hey the economy is doing great
Pawn your car. That'll get you hella gas money.
Wait... 🤔
The fuel of the Magi
3 more years on the note then it's mine. I won't finance another vehicle for as long as it runs
Please unplug from the news, at least sometimes. For you own mental wellbeing
If you don't want to be a doomer, do something about the doom in the world
I did, before November 5th. A ton of shit. Didn't fucking matter.
I am not following. It is not my job to change how other people feel, is it? Of course we should try to change the world, but that's different from people feeling down.