Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over
Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over
Hopefully not the headline of this article. *Peeks*
Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over
Hopefully not the headline of this article. *Peeks*
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What about X Æ A-Xi? lol
Hey leave the danish alphabet alone 😂
ahha its also used in Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faroese. :D
The languages are often comparable, we share some of the same sounds; the letters are a little different, but sound the same. In Danish "Æ" resembles Swedish/Finnish/Estonian "Ä".
While Danish have "Å" it is sounds a little different
To give you an example where the letter "Æ" makes sense, could be in the word "exactly". It sounds like it should have been spelled "Æxactly" because it's not really a true "E" sound. It really is just A+E and is kinda pronounced that way. :-)
Hehe in Dutch the word "exactly" would be pronounced 'ikzaaklie' in Dutch, but that doesn't help you either haha. Meaning the 'e' is more a 'i'. The Dutch word for exactly is actually "precies".
Lol the pronunciation of ikzaaklie, does sound of how we say it - our word for it is Præcis. I've been to Holland a couple of times and sometimes I understand what you guys are saying, sometimes definitely not. But I imagine Dutch is actually not far from our language 🍻
Our languages are indeed quite closely related indeed.