Marching into fascism
Marching into fascism
Marching into fascism
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Italians had smartphones in 1922?
Two roads can lead to the same destination.
In many states it’s illegal to drive while using a phone.
This is just somebody blaming the problems created by poor education on cell phones. Again. Just like they blamed the TV. And radio. And comic books. And dime novels. And music. And dancing...
Don't forget D&D. It's been decades and Revelations still hasn't kicked off.
do comic books have 24/7 live updates and endless scrolls designed to exploit addictive behavior?
were dime novels published by an ideologically aligned billionaire class who is working to capture our political processes?
does D&D have an algorithmically generated "for you" page designed to promote rage content?
did teens spend 4+ hours per day staring into their comics or check them anxiously 344 times per day on avg, or look at them while in school, while stopped at intersections, while on the toilet? did they talk to therapists about how they feel overwhelmed by their comics, the comics make them feel suicidal, etc, etc. was the billionaire CEO of the comic industry involved in national policy making and firing of federal workers?
Cool, so you understand that the problem isn't the cellphone itself but the content on the cellphone. Content that could be regulated, if a society has the political will to institute such regulations. Political will that would be generated by understanding the issues with such content. An understanding that can be gained with a good education.
Glad we agree.