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Political Memes

Why isn't anyone helping?

  • i voted for fetterman and he's more useless at resisting tyranny than a wet blanket

  • I'm so tired of this. Obviously more people need to be more politically active, but there's a lot of issues occurring that we just don't talk about enough here.

    Being politically active while being a responsible and well-informed voter takes time. The first without the other two is just how you make more Republican voters. When you consider how much a lot of people are working and the other struggles they're facing it really isn't surprising that a lot of people are not that informed or active. Let's also not pretend that one party doesn't go out of its way to make it more difficult for people to vote either.

    Other the other side of the issue there's a myriad of issues that have made our current democrats less motivated to be an opposition party. Also, let me just point out that a party should never sit back and watch simply because they are not currently in full control of congress at the given moment. The Republicans have led by example on this repeatedly. Even when they aren't in control they continue to be aggressive, to be disruptive, to keep a media presence. Democrats can do this too. They need to.

    This isn't to say that Democrats are completely to blame. There's a lot of shitty people in this country and there are people out there that can do a bit more than what they're doing to support the cause. This is just to say that Democrats share some responsibility and some of the burden here.

    Also I just want to put this out there. I know people are scared, people are angry, people are upset, but the blame game isn't doing anyone any good. It is important to understand what went wrong, but spending all our time pointing fingers is simply wasting energy.

  • The number of excuses people are willing to make for Democrats is astounding. I've been watching the Republicans obstruct the Democrats for the last sixteen years. Meanwhile, Trump has been in power for a month, and Democrats are fast-tracking his appointments, even when it's a conspiracy theorist to lead the FBI or an anti-vaxer to head HHS. They've given unanimous consent to Trump's agenda 345 times so far. You should be calling them every day and demanding they act like an actual opposition party, not justifying their collaboration with the fascists. Who knows, maybe if they show voters that they're actually willing to stand up and fight for something, they might actually win a fucking election.

  • One of those things where both

    1. Nonvoters who complain that Democrats aren't doing enough to protect them are exactly the kind of entitled twats who attack what meagre defenses we have against fascism, and then whine (blaming those same defenses they themselves worked to undermine) when fascism attacks them.


    1. Dems who do nothing in this period are inex-fucking-scusable, if predictably adhering to their norms-based civility politics schtick which plays so well with suburban white folk; and Dems in general are only interested in reform insofar as public opinion forces them to support it, and not an inch further.

    are true.

    • Everyone is constantly making excuses for the Democrats, but if a political party had zero power except for four months out of forty fucking years you'd think we'd at least try to replace them.

      • I wrote up a big long thing and deleted it, because fuck that.

        The country doesn't want the change we want. Not even the Dem base, not when the ads start blaring and snarl words start getting tossed around. Even significantly left-leaning states like Cali and Washington regularly reject ballot initiatives for progressive measures.

        That the Dems, milquetoast and moderate as they are, and as broad a coalition as they make, had power for 4 months out of 40 years is an aberration caused only by the massive fuck-ups of the Bush administration.

        Correctly speaking, the Dems probably should've had none.

  • The results at my last city vote was depressing. We had 20% turn out. Twenty! And we have mail-in by default here

    Thankfully the people who did vote voted for the positive changes we need but it's not hard to imagine how easily 20% of the population can be easily swayed

  • Uncommitted performative boTh sIDEs grandstanding couch sitters who drank a bit too much right-wing wedge-driving vodka:

    • Make sides irrelevant by passing state level electoral reform and opening our elections to 3rd parties. More democracy is the solution, not forcing people to vote for your preference. Do you people ever take the time to consider you don't want people to vote for who they want to vote for? How can you sleep at night dreaming of taking other's right to vote away? Awful...

      • I am a huge advocate to changing our election systems. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find someone who's done more write-ups and advocacy for campaign finance and election reform.

        That said, this is putting the cart before the horse. Such Constitutional reform first requires consensus among the working class. We must first unite the left and right under a common enemy of the rich. Only then can we pressure states to seek a convention for amendments to the constitution.

  • Americans are voting every few seconds, don't you see where they are staring

    They are voting up the memes. We have Meme Kings of Trump and Musk to meme about every few seconds on every single media platform. I see people pressing UpVote on Reddit, Bluesky.

    People sold out to Apple iPhone, who in February 2025 is promoting products on Elon Musk's X (Apple is paying money to Elon Musk), a long time ago for the ability to mock a 78 year old man on the Toilet tweeting.

    “Technopoly is a state of culture. It is also a state of mind. It consists in the deification of technology, which means that the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology.” ― Neil Postman, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, 1992