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  • I chose Nextcloud Notes because I already have it anyway, and it's good enough for me.

    • Just a friendly reminder that if you use an external nextcloud, that it is most likely unencrypted. The recommendations in the post body (or my own, like using are probably a better choice if you are not self hosting nextcloud yourself.

      However if you are self hosting it, it should be fine 👍 KIM these are just recommendations :)

  • I like Joplin, and I’ll use Standard Notes as soon as I don’t have to pay extra, I’m already paying Proton.

  • Google wants my shopping list and honey do lists that's shared between my wife and I? Ok enjoy, wanna come help paint my office?

    • Yeah and google already knows what groceries I buy if I use a discount card anyway.

  • I started out using obsidian and it's pretty decent, but honestly Joplin is my favorite so far.

    I tried logseq and absolutely fucking hated it.