You technically only need kosher salt if the recipe involves some of kind of fermentation or yeast rise, because the iodine in non-kosher salt will kill the yeast before it can rise.
But every recipe from the US uses kosher salt, which means their measurements don't match for other salts, but if they gave the weight it wouldn't be an issue. 5g of salt is 5g of salt no matter the size of the crystals, but one teaspoon can be totally different.
That’s why making a preferment like poolish is a superior method for any bread recipe. You only add salt once the poolish has finished the leavening process.
You can teaspoon the shit out of everything. 3tsp to a table. 5ml to 15ml. Cut recipes by turning everything into a tablespoon. Need to make 1/2 of something that is already 1/4 cup? That's 16 tbsp to a cup, so you were at 4, now half a 1/4 cup is simply 2 tbsp
For dry shit, get a gram scale and welcome to consistency city
I'm sure some open hardware hacker could get DuckDuckGo or qalc to work through their home-soldered voice-controlled assistant.
But other than that, no. For what it's worth, I spend 2 to 3 seconds for each conversion through the terminal when preparing a recipe, or about 15 seconds unlocking my phone and looking it up in DDG on the spot