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  • If that Deities and Demigods has Elric and HP Lovecraft in it, it's worth something.

    Elric is called Elric (obviously). Look for Hastur the Unspeakable. That's part of Lovecraft. I guess Cthulu was in there, but I don't remember.

    • IIRC Cthulu was in there. However I have Legends & Lore, not Deities & Demigods. Basically the same book, except TSR changed the name because "the devil."


      I did not recall correctly. The Lovecraft stuff isn't in the 2nd printing.

      • TSR had permission from author Michael Moorcock to include Elric but I think the publisher was unaware. And so there was a legal stink that resulted in Elric and Lovecraft being removed in a later edition of Deities and Demigods.

        Legends and Lore was 2e.

  • I still have almost the entire first edition library of these at my brother's house. I need to get them back.