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  • Nah, I'm jailbreaking my car if I get one that does this shit. I forced Windows to fuck off with their updates and I damn sure can tell my car manufacturer the same.

  • While it may never be a reality, just imagine this: open source cars. The world would be a better place.

  • Thank god I will never be able to justify paying more than 8k on any car I will ever own in my life, you rich bitches can keep your fancy 50k 30 year morgage at 18% interest ass smart cars that need 2k in maintenance the second it leaves the dealers lot. I hate being dinged to death to wear a seatbelt and consider it harassment and an invasion of my agency, let alone this BS lol

    • But... you should really wear a seatbelt. Actually, haven't cars been giving users seatbelt alarms for like... over 30 years now? It's a strange hill to die on, friend.

      • Oh absolutely I buckle up pretty much every time. But if I want to take the car 2 minutes down the road and I deem it an acceptable level of risk to not bother with the belt, I shouldn't be harassed to do so by my own machine. You boss around your tools, not the other way around. A little light on the dash should be enough, its not like I don't know what im doing. Also our countries regulations on that may be different most cars from the early to mid 2000s here don't ding you to death. If it indangers other peoples health and safety sure but me not wearing a seatbelt isn't hurting anyone but potentially myself, if I end up crashing through the windshield and splattering on the asphalt thats the consequences of my own very stupid) decicion.