Which board games have you been playing this week? (17 Feb)
Which board games have you been playing this week? (17 Feb)
Which board games have you been playing this week? (17 Feb)
Got in a Shadows of Brimstone session. It's an alternate wild west/horror dungeon crawler with a bunch of campaign potential.
Having a lot of fun with it and hope I can get some of the expansions worked in soon.
Ooh I've been looking at that one for ages, how was it? Was there a lot of prep work needed in terms of painting minis? And have you played Gloomhaven? How do they compare?
There is a little bit of prep for the minis, but they provide tokens to use in the meantime if you'd like to play beforehand. What we did is just have everyone be responsible for their character, but it isn't strictly necessary.
I've also 3d printed card & token holders to speed up setup.
I haven't played Gloomhaven, unfortunately, but I'll have to give it a try at some point.
That being said, I'm loving the theming of SoB a bunch! I can't wait to learn enough to start making homebrew stuff.
We're into Zombie Kidz lately. It's great how fast the turns go, and the game is always changing. Very ADHD friendly.
Is that the original or evolution?
Was just looking it up, it seems the easiest to find is the Evolution version and that's a "legacy" style game.
We're still working our way through LOTR the Trick Taking Game (almost done with Moria now). Other than that, I've played, among other things: Harvest, Molly House (on TTS while I eagerly await my physical copy), Pax Penning (just played a partial game to learn the rules, doing a full play tomorrow night), Flamecraft, and Oath (I've been play testing the upcoming expansion). It wasn't this week, but a recent highlight was attending an online teach and play of Hellraisers, Wehrlegig's next game designed by Matilda Simonsson.
Also recently got the LOTR game. I like games that can be played single player too
Played Little Secrets with 3 other adults and then later with 2 additional teenage children. Super fun game, easy to learn, easy to play and was a lot of laughing.
Made by the same people as exploding kittens.
Also for context we play games every weekend, some intense and some relaxed. This is a relaxed game for end of the night or when the group is a little tired but wants to play something without a lot of rules.
Arkham Horror, Arkham Horror and Arkham Horror whenever i have time. Bought the core box a few weeks ago and was instantly hooked. Already invested way to much money into it 🙈
Myself, I've been running Frosthaven AND Jaws of the Lion with 2 separate groups, just to confuse myself with the rule differences.
Got in a quick session of Dorfromantik, which is nice and chill.
Also managed my 2nd game of Pax Renaissance. I'm not sure how to feel about it. The rules are simple enough (as long as you ignore the horrible rulebook), but none of us players really had any overall strategy or plan. Just blundered into a win.
And another game of Dune Uprising, always happy to get it on the table. Can't wait for Bloodlines to arrive.
Bloodlines is adding tech back in! I'm pumped :D
Tech AND Sardaukar, which if you think about it is just tech in a different form.