/r/liberalgunowners is missed. I could chat about guns and simple gunsmithing, see neat stuff I didn't know about, all without the toxic right-wing boolshit.
We had sane discussions about laws and responsible ownership, stuff like that. People were kind, no judgement, unless one was deliberately argumentative and/or acting a fool regarding safety. Even then, the mods would shut down the trolls (without the banhammer!) and the community would offer advice.
I miss that one too. Being a liberal gun nerd in Texas is weird. All the gun shops, ranges, and conventions are more about right-wing politics, police worship, and fetishizing the Confederacy than the hobby.
I buy everything online and have a nice FFL who I meet in his kitchen to do the paperwork. Also, I have a couple of acres of my own personal swamp to go shooting, so I avoid all the nuts.