Has the #FertilityRate in the #EuropeanUnion been stable over the past two decades?
Has the #FertilityRate in the #EuropeanUnion been stable over the past two decades?
Has the #FertilityRate in the #EuropeanUnion been stable over the past two decades?
A simple #XmR chart available in @LabPlot [2.12dev] can be used to track the stability of any process.
Boosts appreciated! :boostlove:🚀
➡️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shewhart/_individuals/_control/_chart
@europesays @dataisbeautiful @labplot@lemmy.kde.social
Europe #Future #EU #Europa #Fertility #Politics #Healthcare #Health #BirthRate #Demography #Population #Biology #News #Community #Statistics #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #ControlChart #LabPlot #Data #dataViz