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Helsinki proposes Navalny memorial site near Russian Embassy

"This group wants to honour the memory of Aleksei Navalny by installing a memorial bench. Helsinki is granting permission for the bench to be placed in a public park," Luomanen said in an email.

According to Luomanen, the activists will be responsible for the design, costs and maintenance of the memorial bench after its installation.

Previously Finland has scrubbed off Lenin from everywhere because of "Russia's aggression". Unlike this fascist, Lenin actually is important person in Finland's history. Interesting to see how long this bench is going to stay.

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  • a clown country

    • It's a damn shame considering Finland at one point almost had a successful communist revolution and Stalin himself was sympathetic to Finnish Independence from the Russian Empire. But I suppose that's what pushed the Finnish bourgeoisie to be extra diligent in libwashing the country.

      • Correct. Failure of class war left generational scars, and WWII gave an illusion of unity. Class consciousness is effectively replaced with reactionary garbage. People think Finland is bee’s knees and buys into bourgeoisie propaganda without questioning. A clown country, truly.

      • sadly