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  • OP, just how wealthy are you? This is a very rich person assessment to make.

  • The opposite. I'm afraid I will waste my life procrastinating, not even being aware of what it has to offer.

  • My guess is that you have significantly exhausted the extent of your interests and common interactions. It happens.

    That's to say, for example, you've read, seen, discussed, etc. almost every sci-fi series in existence. There's some you haven't interacted with but you would have hit the new ones and all the significant older ones. In which case there's really nothing left for you to consume besides minutiae/very small things (you ran the well dry).

    The same can said for interactions with people. You're having the same conversations you've had before. Sure some of the specific details change but the core remains the same.

    If this at all sounds right, I'd suggest expanding your interests and social circle. For interests, I'd suggest something close to your current interests and look up the highest rated components of that interest to look into. Using the Sci-fi example, fantasy may be a good place to look and Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Mistborn, etc. maybe be good places to start.

    For people, expanding your social cycle can be tough. If you haven't already you can try and pair an interest of yours with a group that focuses on that. Example could be RPG gaming and joining a Table Top RPG group. Another option is taking classes in a new interest. You'll likely meet new people with a similar interest as you. Another option is volunteering. There's lots of organizations or mutual aid societies out there that would welcome additional members. That'll give you new people to talk to while helping others (win-win).

    Regardless, best of luck with everything :)

  • No.

    I still want to travel more.

    I want to pursue music in some small way, at least, even if only a few local shows here and there, to say I did it and to really experience it.

    I'd like to see my book published someday, even if it generally flops, because I would like the ideas out there.

    I'd like to see my kids establish themselves as adults and help with that process, even if it might not end up as extravagant as I'd liked.

    I'd like to meet someone really cool again and have an awesome relationship, having learned pretty well what works and what doesn't, by now. Maybe.

    I want to try like 10 jobs I haven't, yet. Do I still have time to be a doctor? Maybe! We'll see!

  • One one level, obviously you can never experience everything, the world is fricking massive and ever-changing. But you can feel like you've seen and done everything that interests you, and find it hard to remain curious and develop new interests. There have been times that I think the only interests and goals that will ever feel relevant to me are ones that I've had since I was a kid. But even "eating yummy food, playing games and reading fantasy books" is more than enough to fill my entire life.

    When I've been lucky enough to have the time, I've filled many hours, day after day, cooking delicious meals and trying new things in the kitchen, and the list of things I want to try expands just as fast as I tick them off. Similarly, although I've read countless fantasy novels over the decades I've only just got round to reading classics like Conan and Elric, and there's so much more out there - and people write more books every year!

    But there are times when I can't face new challenges, and I retreat to the easy comfort of things I know. This can be reassuring and restful, but if I get to the stage where I'm sick of watching the same show I've seen so many times, then I know it's time for me to start pushing myself to try new things and develop new tastes (even if it's just subvarieties of things I already like). And if I don't feel up to that, it means I need to get some support and help to improve my mood and clear my thinking.