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I'm a tech interested guy. I've touched SQL once or twice, but wasn't able to really make sense of it. That combined with not having a practical use leaves SQL as largely a black box in my mind (though I am somewhat familiar with technical concepts in databasing).

With that, I keep seeing [pic related] as proof that Elon Musk doesn't understand SQL.

Can someone give me a technical explanation for how one would come to that conclusion? I'd love if you could pass technical documentation for that.

  • To oversimplify, there are two basic kinds of databases: SQL (Structured Query Language, usually pronounced like "sequel" or spelled aloud) and noSQL ("Not Only SQL").

    SQL databases work as you'd imagine, with tables of rows and columns like a spreadsheet that are structured according to a fixed schema.

    NoSQL includes all other forms of databases, document-based, graph-based, key-value pairs, etc.

    The former are highly consistent and efficient at processing complicated queries or recording transactions, while the latter are more flexible and can be very fast at reads/writes but are harder to keep in sync as a result.

    All large orgs will have both types in use for different purposes; SQL is better for banking needs where provable consistency is paramount, NoSQL better for real-time web apps and big data processing that need minimal response times and scalable capacity.

    That Musk would claim the government doesn't use SQL immediately betrays him as someone who is entirely unfamiliar with database administration, because SQL is everywhere.

  • If he doesn't think the government uses sql after having his goons break into multiple government servers he is an idiot.

    If he is lying to cover his ass for fucking up so many things (the more likely explanation) then saying "he never used sql" is basically a dig at how technically inept he really is despite bragging about being a tech bro.

  • Dedup is about saving storage and has literally nothing to do with primary keys.

    • It's a terminology thing really yes. I mean a database (SQL or not) shouldn't need de-duplication by nature of how the record index/keys work.

      If they're not using a form of SQL though, I'd be very interested in what they are using. Back in the 90s I was messing around with things like Btrieve and other even more antiquated database engines. But all the software I used that utilised such things was converted to use a form of SQL (even if in some cases there were internal wrappers to allow access in the older way too via legacy code) over 20 years ago.

      If I were an American though my biggest concern would be that Musk is able to know the structure AND content of the social security database. His post (if we believe it) demonstrates he must have access to both pieces of information.

      • His post (if we believe it) demonstrates he must have access to both pieces of information.

        At best he is referring to an older mainframe he is aware of not being sql while being completely oblivious of all the government systems that are in sql.

        Which isn't giving him any credit, because in that case he is atill running his mouth based on being ignorant about other government systems.

        I submitted data to a government database yesterday that I know for a fact is sql because we have had an ongoing years long relationship that involves improving that system and aligning our state level sql database. The government absolutely uses sql frequently, even if they still have older mainframes with some other database architecture.

  • TIL Elon doesn't know SQL or have any basic human decency.

    J/K, I already knew he doesn't have basic human decency.

    If he knew anything about SQL, he could have run a quick search to see whether any SSNs are actually duplicated. (spoiler alert: they're not, he's just stupid).