Well they are also playing "Erika" which is a right wing dog whistle, though maybe not as uncommon in these circles, as outright Nazi salutes
Edit: Also curiously most people, myself included, never find themselves in danger of accidentally heil hitlering even when blackout drunk. Seems to become a more common occurrence in Saxony though.
I wish i could extinguish every trace of fascism in every aspect of reality. I really do.
Stupid Nazis are hindering me from enjoying old german folk songs without being judged :(
Well I'm thinking the same, but then I'm not sure where to put this video (ignoring the sound track) on a scale from drunken singing to obvious Nazi salute.
Maybe i don't know enough about Bierzelt culture. If they were singing Hölle, hölle, hölle or Atemlos, would you notice the (right) arm in the air? The arm movement seems unnatural (if the intention was signing with arms in the air), but this could still sort-of pass as not 100% Heil Hitler.
The band chose the song, for sure, that's questionable. The event organisers should not allow this to happen. But the guests, should they leave? Sit down quietly and wait for the next song?
I could be in that tent and not recognise the song. Not my kind of music.
I could see people innocently copying the movement of others. It may be a tent full of Nazis, scary, but the video does not proof this.
Did you read the article? They think 3 people were making the salute. Suspect that might be hard to prove from pictures alone and a still can be just someone's arms raised like shown in the stock picture included. This is such a dumb article for clicks and certainly not world News.
It's not only the Hitler salute, also the nazi song with all in this Tent. The Oktoberfest is an event that attracts a lot of international tourism, but access to the majority of the Bierzelte is reserved for certain groups of high-ranking politicians and industrialists. Given that Bavaria is a Bundesland where the CSU has always reigned and in recent years also the AfD, both far-right and fascist parties, are not so surprised by scenes like these, which are surely not the first time this has happened.
This happens when, in a misunderstood democracy and freedom, to tolerate those who would eliminate these values, when they could, and even given a voice in parliaments. They are a danger that must be eliminated from public life, because, with their populism and lies, they can eliminate all the civil rights and social advances achieved, as happened in 1933. But apparently, little has been learned.
It makes no sense to prohibit Nazi symbols, when on the other hand xeno/homophobic and fascist speeches are tolerated in parliament and disseminated in the media.
That was a disappointing Where's Waldo the Nazi. Everyone is either clapping or some shit. Waste of time. At least the dude with the roasted chicken for a hat was fun. 1/5 don't recommend.
I think you're severely underestimating how stupid some people can be without malicious intent. Not that I'm justifying their behavior in any way, but it's possible they're just really stupid.
Austria has no part in this, the art student was rejected as was the custom. Ask the neighbour for why they fed and welcomed some maniac autocrat tryant
Considering recently 130 members of USA Nazi band Hammerskins were arrested in Germany, it is fair to say NATO and NATO aligned countries are where Nazism is always allowed to flourish. I seriously hope those Ukraine Nazis USA is breeding get spread into all of Europe and USA, and teach them a lesson.
While you are correct in the fact that the denazification process was mostly a joke you should still try to do some maths here. Someone who was at least 20 at the end of the Hitler regime (in order to be part of the party etc.) in 1945 would be at least 96 today. Our politicians are old, yes, but they're not that old.