I'm definitely guilty of this for retro games
I'm definitely guilty of this for retro games
I'm definitely guilty of this for retro games
Also: "I don't have time to watch a 20min video." Four 6min videos? "Count me in!"
I've never had anything related to WH40K.
I've never played a game in the WH40K universe.
I have watched a 30 hour video series on The God Emperor.
Other 8-20 hour videos explaining the basic lore on each faction.
And two video series that are probably 50+ hours, about the history of the WH40K universe overall.
And apparently, I have still only scratched the surface.
Do I have any intention of playing WH40K games or buying anything related to it?
Nope, none what so ever.
Am I likely to watch any more content related to WH40K?
Yes, in fact, I have about 500 hours worth of videos in a playlist to watch later.
Hey man identity theft isn't cool. Imma need you to stop being me
40k lore is awesome because it's completely ridiculous in so many ways, but at the same time completely realistic in many other ways.
Share??? I've also got no interest in playing but want to explore the lore :D
Not the person you asked the question but my recomendation for 40K lore is Luetin09 on YouTube.
There's a soothing quality to his voice when narrating the horrors of the grim future that is very pleasant to hear.
I really fucking hope Henry Cavill gets to make the WH40K series and the right way.
Any specific recommendations? I've played a few video games, but would love to explore a bit deeper
Start with Bricky's "Every faction explained" video and then check out Luetin09's channel for more in-depth stuff.
I mean, it’s brilliant!
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
SovietWomble - What's so strange about the forest?
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Looking at you summoningsalt
I watch reviews for old games I already know a lot about, just to hear the stupid hot takes modern gamers who weren't even alive at the time the game they're playing was released have about games that were awesome in their own time that may not have held up to today's standards.
Like all the dudes that wonder how Half-Life and Half-Life 2 are considered good when something from 2019 is so much better. lol
They don't appreciate the technical leaps either. DOOM was mind-boggling ahead of it's time and Carmack is an absolute genius but kids these days couldn't care less.
Boomer shooters are all the rage right now.
I didn't expect to be attacked today. Some games I don't like the game play but the lore is fire
Let's be real, no one actually ever finished Outer Wilds.
You didn't have to call me out like that
Bonkers to me that you did not finish it. The game is not very hard, extremely rewarding, and has a beyond phenomenal ending. I could not stop playing it and absolutely shed tears when the ending credits rolled.
Is that a novel or something?
Eve Online.
That is the perfect example, lol
I really don't watch TV shows or movies much anymore, just long form content from YouTube. Give me a few one hour videos on retro computers and am golden.
That one channel where every video is just dunking on Billy Mitchell about everything and anything.
It certainly helps that TV is garbage these days.
I think it's just a problem of quantity over quality because the streaming era has flooded the market with so much filler just to justify their overpriced subscriptions, but there's still a handful of awesome stuff if you want to take the time to sift through the garbage to find it. Fargo is pretty good if you liked the movies. Mr. Robot was great. The first season of True Detective was excellent, and season 4 with Jodie Foster comes out in January.
Hopefully now that the writers are going back to work with better contracts, things will start to turn around.
Let's be honest, TV shows and movies nowadays are dogshit storywise. Video games have way better stories because they actually have to engage the audience to want to discover it. TV shows just need to grab attention for a season, get cancelled and move on to the next season long trailer.
Mass Effect made a game with a Sci-Fi story better than any Sci-Fi show that has come out since then. WarHammer 40k did a pretty good job too.
That's what I came here for to say. It's not our fault that most TV shows and movies suck ass.
Let's be honest, TV shows and movies nowadays are dogshit storywise
This is such a bad take. It's the same as the, "good music doesn't exist anymore" bullshit.
Television has never been better. If you can't find great TV and movies to watch, that's on you. Seems like you're just bad at finding them.
It's nowhere near "good music doesn't exist anymore". They are the same old plotlines with that double crescendo bullshit. The only thing that really changes are the characters and setting. Sometimes they add a twist here and there in order not to be too obvious, but if you watch enough stuff, they feel the same.
Trailers have genres themselves. You can watch a trailer and know nearly the entire plot of a movie plus what the genre is. The colors also give away so much about that: blue - technology, dark tones - horror, greenish blue - techy sci-fi, colorful - probably art-house, etc. there are entire pallets dedicated to genres and their subgenres.
The way the cameras move, the chosen audio effects, scenes that unnecessarily capture a specific object or center an unknown thing, a few frames of a look, and so much more.
Writers and the creative personnel have been hamstrung by the focus on ROI. Remakes and sequels are the biggest investment these days. There's very often some attempt to build a franchise or continue one.
Music has changed massively. Outside of mass media, you can't take a song from now and say "wow, this sounds like something from the 80s". The red hot chili peppers, black sabbath, metallica, and other bands used to be considered metal, but that's unrecognizable as metal nowadays. Maybe rock?
Music has mashed together so many genres that you can go and type nearly any genre in a search engine to find music of it.
i feel personally attacked
This post is just an ad for vaatividya isn't it!?
I often watch his videos to go to sleep. Although I do actually play all those games.
There's ironically less commitment. No need to worry about missing something crucial by looking away, no struggle to stay engaged with the plot.
I watched a 4 hour movie made from MK1 cut scenes the other day without even realizing how long it was.
Yes, I too love RetroAhoy
Maybe TV shows need to be more interesting than a 3 hour gaming video.
I love watching Rust videos but hate playing FPS.
Damn you Pyrocynical
ND is a hell of a drug
Not me. I absolutely hate watching videos of people playing video games. It’s mind-numbing.
I think OP is talking about the kind of lore deep dive videos, not necessarily the normal gameplay "Let's Play" style videos.
Guilty of this with Blasphemous. Never played the game. Watched an hour long lore video about the first game and then like a 40 minute lore video about the second game. Phenomenal lore, highly recommend.
See any of the noclip documentaries.
Definitely done this more than once, pyrocynical has been on these a lot lately and has been killing it
The 24 minute ones are throw away recylcled plots painted with whatever genre and cast the show thinks people will like at the time its released.
The hour long ones are secretly 8+ hour movies, which are ALSO just throw away recycled plots painted with whatever genre and cast the algorithms think are popular at the time of creation.
Bring on the long format youtube videos. Game plots are often much more nuanced than traditional media, and learning about something you're already interested in is leagues better than drinking in whatever throw away plot the whatever throw away characters are doing today in adult animated show #56.