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What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

I'll start by saying I had a bit of trouble wording the title but I'll try to elaborate on it. I find it can be a bit daunting at times figuring out what a decent entry point is in a series of video games without searching online first. Sometimes there will be ten games released across three different generation of consoles with reboots, prequels, and remasters and you can feel a bit left out of the loop if you start with the most recent release.

I'm wondering where people would recommend starting in other popular series like Nier, Final Fantasy, Armored Core, Ace Combat, Assassins Creed, Metal Gear, Metroid, Resident Evil, and so on.

It might make for a fun bit of Friday discussion and encourage some people to try out some new games.

Here's my example:

With the Fallout series I'd say you could easily start with any game because you have a new protagonist each time and a lot of the lore is reintroduced. The exception being Fallout 2 because it feels a bit more like a direct sequel to the original.

I would probably recommend Fallout New Vegas as a starting point because it's the fan favorite, has a few quality of life upgrades over Fallout 3, Fallout 4 adds a lot of extra mechanics to the game so going backwards in the series if you wanted more Fallout could feel a tad awkward and take some readjusting if you are accustomed to them, and the classic Fallout games can be a bit of a challenge if you aren't used to old school RPGs.

  • Forza Horizon lol

    Also Far Cry. No story connection between the games although there is one minor recurring character.

    • I've played Far Cry 2 through most of 6. If you don't recognize particular references, there's nothing that makes them substantial otherwise in the sea of creative, humorous descriptions of everyone/everything else.

      I would say it's similar with assassin's creed, keeping it in the family of "ubisoft series gamers love to shit on". The references are in the same style as other database entries, so you're not missing anything if you're unfamiliar. I've played 4 through Odyssey.

      I'm trying to think of other series and keep landing on the same reasoning, actually. Yeah, I love having more basis for the lore in other series, but I don't feel I'm missing much without every reference. I mean, Ace Combat was my personality for a few months when 7 came out, prompting me to replay 4 and 5 and buy Zero and 6. As others have said, the main thing is if you do choose to go backwards, things get clunky for both general game and specific series development reasons. Assin 4 was my most recent AC (tried 3, beat Unity>Ody, then beat 4) and man, parkour is tough. I gave up on 3 because it was so awkward and I was too old to learn at the elder age of like 23.

      I gotta say though, Forza Horizon 1 remains my favorite. There's certainly some nostalgia tied to it because it set me up for impossible expectations in the car community (especially now in the post-covid takeover bullshit). It had a more concise campaign and had some story attached to it. I'm up to 4 and it just drops me in like "this is just what you do now" and every race unlocks 4 more races with no end in sight.

    • Isn't New Dawn a sequel to Far Cry 5?

      • Yes, you got me there. Forgot about New Dawn even though I finally played it for the first time a couple months ago.

  • Zelda does a good job of this. You don't usually "miss out" on the lore, because they tend to explain a bit as things go on. Sure, you'd miss the easter eggs placed in the game for fans of older titles, but you also wouldn't know any different. For example, in Breath of the Wild, a dilapidated farm is present in the main field, and this is a reference to the farm in Ocarina of Time where you find Epona, your horse. If you didn't play that earlier game, it would just seem like scenery to you. But you wouldn't actually miss out on anything. So the makers of the Zelda titles do a good job striking a balance between providing nods to earlier titles while also being welcoming to new players.

  • Yeah I was gonna hop in here and say Fallout. New Vegas has all the themes of the classic series with the easier to play gameplay of the 3D era. That said though, I really don't think you can start wherever with that series - IF you want a clear picture of what it's about. I started with Fallout 3, and that definitely muddies the series themes a bit. Fallout 4 comes around and the realistic themes of humanity's repetitive follies are all but thrown out the window to focus on the scifi, retrofuturism, and apocalyptic aspects of the series. Fallout 1, 2, and NV are the continued story of society rebuilding and making the same mistakes we always make as a species. Only the first one is a post apocalyptic game, 2 and NV are post-post apocalyptic with large communities and states starting to form.

    No hate on the fun there is to be had exploring bombed out ruins, I still love Fallout 3 and I put in a good bit of time with Fallout 4. But while the West Coast tells the story of society rebuilding, with people making adobe houses reasonably soon after the bombs fell and eventually manufacturing concrete, the East Coast is full of convoluted reasons for why society hasn't rebuilt yet in 200 years and everyone still lives in scrap metal shacks. Not that Fallout games are all realism, but I think the Bethesda games sacrifice the realism of how humanity functions to add more scifi components - and that's just not what Fallout's all about.

    I should probably say an actual game series I think you can pick up at any game though, and I'll have to go with Metal Gear Solid. Fantastic story that's convoluted and told out of order. It doesn't matter where you start, you're always going to have fun! I recommend MGS1 for anybody with a day job, and MGS5 for anyone who wants to sink some hours into a sandbox.

  • Any action/fighting/shmup franchise because the stories are typically nonexistent/shit anyway:

    1. Bayonetta: I recommend the original as a starting point for an authentic action experience, but Bayonetta 2 is more beginner-friendly.
    2. Devil May Cry: either 3, or 5 will work—3 if you're after a challenging experience, and 5 if you're looking for an insane combo simulator. 1 could work as an entry point, but it's too old and will not appeal to everyone.
    3. Ninja Gaiden: I recommend the original Ninja Gaiden 2 on XBOX (not Sigma) if you're after nonstop action, and Ninja Gaiden Black if you're more of a souls-like fan.
    4. Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion is the superior game.
    5. Under Night In-Birth: I recommend Sys:Celes because it's the only one with functional netcode.
    6. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax because it's the only Persona Arena game, they just started at Persona 4, and the story has tie-ins for Persona 3 and 4.
    7. Guilty Gear: start with XX Accent Core Plus R if you need the "the most Guilty Gear" because every character has the most moves they've ever had throughout the series. -STRIVE- for beginners, and Xrd if you find XX inaccessible. OG Guilty Gear is a broken artifact, maybe to be admired, but not taken seriously.
    8. DoDonPachi: DaiOuJou: widely regarded as a shmup goat and the best DoDonPachi game. I recommend the Black Label release.
  • So many nice recommendations here but here are some of my recommendations in genres (in top 5 form). All of them have PC ports (but not all of the series may be available on PC)


    1. Rayman
    2. Sonic
    3. Wonder boy
    4. Shantae
    5. Trine


    1. Final Fantasy
    2. Tales of Series
    3. Star Ocean
    4. Elder Scrolls
    5. Pathfinder

    Some noteworthy mentions for RPGs

    1. YS
    2. Mana


    1. Medal of Honor
    2. Shadow Warrior
    3. Doom
    4. Call of Duty
    5. Wolfenstein

    Puzzles, point and click: Note: This was very hard to list since most of them are standalone and those that are not have interesting plot lines that you will not appreciate unless you play in order such as Syberia, Gabriel Knight, Secret Files. Walking Dead)

    1. Myst (You can play in any order but it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
    2. Broken Sword (Don't touch 4 and 5 but you can play in any order and it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
    3. Life is Strange (1 and 2 are standalone stories)
    4. of Loathing series (It has turned based combat but very fun)
    5. Nancy Drew

    I would say I prefer them in the chronological order of their release date. Some of the series I have listed completely have either loosely, small references or completely standalone only sharing a "franchise name"

    • Do none of the Final Fantasy involve each other?

      • SLR got busy IRL, well most are standalones.

        There are some games in the series that has some sort of connection like X and VII through Shinra or Tactics and XII sharing the same world.

        There are direct sequels though like X and X-2 or the XIII trilogy but they are not the norm

  • This is mainly a FF focused comment. I might come back later and ramble about other franchises though.

    A lot of JRPG franchises generally only have themes in common. So you can play Final Fantasy 6, 7, 10, 11 or 15 and have a self contained story. I donno if it's been confirmed by Square but I do subscribe to the theory that Final Fantasy Tactics and 12 take place on the same continent, just a few hundred years apart. But even then, both titles are standalone and have nothing in common other than the same Ivalice.

    There are a few franchises that have continuity like Breath of Fire(iirc) and XenoSaga.

    As for where to start with Final Fantasy, 6 is a really good standout retro one, 7 is always a favorite, and so is 10. I don't think you can go wrong with any of those. If you really like politics in games, 12 has all that and more. It's my favorite of the bunch but that makes me an outlier. I also don't recommend starting with it because it's a huge deviation from the main game mechanics.

    • Somewhere between most and all of the Ivalice games are confirmed to take place in the same timeline, though the entire place may just be a child's dream so :shrug:

      The timeline is something like XII->tactics a2->tactics->vagrant story->tactics advance, with legendary events between a2 and tactics that lock off magic.

      • idk why I deleted that comment, but also learned that you can undelete lol.

        I'm not at all sure about the timeline order so that's pretty cool. For some reason to me FF12 feels more future-y tho. I do recall someone stitched the map for the original Tactics and FF12 and they match up pretty much exactly.

        Do you have more info on the "child's dream" take? I'm curious.

  • I started Wizardry 8 as my first one and it instantly became one of my favourites. Even though the story is somewhat continuation of 6 and 7, not knowing these is not a problem at all. It's still interesting and well explained even for novice players. Much later I've tried both 6 and 7 and even though I felt I could like them and I even liked the hand made graphics, it was the user interface of the early 90s that was just too much for me.