Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann denies using vibrating sex toy to cheat
Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann denies using vibrating sex toy to cheat

Hans Niemann was accused of cheating after he beat Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Carlsen last September.

Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann denies using vibrating sex toy to cheat
Hans Niemann was accused of cheating after he beat Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Carlsen last September.
I can’t fucking read
Chess grandmaster Hans Niemann dies using vibrating sex toy to cheat
best orgasm of his life
Had it coming
And last
He died doing what he loved...
World News
I love that they actually turned this into an episode of It's Always Sunny - it was entirely believable as the sort of scheme the gang would come up with.
I didn't know the meme or who this person is, and I know about as much about vibrating sex toys as I know about chess- just the basics, I'm not an expert.
Nakamura said in a podcast all he would need to know is that there is a winning move and he'd be able to find it.
So, just one buzz is enough that says "in this position there is a move that wins the game".
Kinda like everyone's ratings in puzzles is higher than in elo because by the very nature of the puzzle there is a winning sequence to find.
In play, if I don't spot a winning tactic I just move to (try to) improve my position. In puzzles if I don't spot a winning tactic, I look again, and again, and again....
Now that's dedication to winning the sport. Ingenuity knows no bounds.
I see, a wide array of skills and strict organisation.
Its convoluted but technically not impossible
It's a very shittily written article.
Why did anyone even listen to this bullshit. This must be the biggest case of bullying of modern times.
From these, many people think he cheated. The vibrating butt plug is unlikely, but what is more likely is that Magnus' prep got leaked and Hans was able to hyper-prepare for a specific line of play.
No vibrating butt plugs were used in his win.
Isn't that almost like a L?
Did they check for vibrating cock rings?
This is the best summary I could come up with:
An American grandmaster who was part of a row which rattled the world of chess has denied using a vibrating sex toy to cheat.
In September 2022 Hans Niemann sat down to play Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Carlsen in chess's Sinquefield Cup St Louis, Missouri.
Niemann won, but was accused by Carlsen of cheating - a claim which sparked a huge legal row between the pair.
On Monday evening, Niemann spoke to Piers Morgan Uncensored about the scrutiny he has faced since being accused of cheating.
Niemann admitted that he had cheated twice in online matches on aged 12 and 16, but denied he had done so in the Sinquefield Cup or any in-person game.
Last month, said it stood by its report on Niemann, "including that we found no determinative evidence that he has cheated in any in-person games".
The original article contains 371 words, the summary contains 141 words. Saved 62%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
Are the chess groupies really worth it?
So... I assume it was inflatable then?
I remember all these headlines from last year. Ironically it made Chess more famous imo. I suddenly had so many friends mentioning chess to me because of this lol.