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  • Bruh, these guys trained their own AI on so called "puplicly available" content. Except it was, and still is, completely without consent from, or compensation to said artists/bloggers/creators etc.. Don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house 🤌

    • Another reason why I use Andi, because it don¡t gut copyright content to the own knowledge base, it's is a search assistant, not a chatbot like others, it search by the concept and give a direct answer to your question, listing also the links of the sources and pages where it found the answers. It's LLM is only made to "understand" (to call it something) your question to search pages que contain information about it and to understand the content to be capable to summarize it. There isn't third party or copyright content in the LLM. It's knowledge is real time web content like any other search engine. Even in it's (reduced) chat capabilities, always show the sources where it found it's answers.

      Traditional search works with keywords, listing thousends of pages where appears this keyword, that means that 99% of the list has nothing to do with what you are looking for, this is the reason why AI searches give a better result, but not Chatbots, which search the answers in a own knowledge base and invent answers if not.

  • OpenAI's mission statement is also in their name. The fact that they have a proprietary product that is not open source is criminal and should be sued out of existence. They are now just like the Sun Micro after Apache was made open sourced; irrelevant they just haven't gotten the memo yet. No company can compete against the whole world.

    • i agree FOSS is the way to go, and that OpenAI has a lot to answer for… but FOSS is not the only way to interpret “open”

      the “open” was never intended as open source - it was open access. the idea was that anyone should have access to build things using AI; that it shouldn’t be for only megacorps who had the pockets to train… which they have, and still are doing

      they also originally intended that all their research and patents would be open, which i believe they’re still doing

  • If there's one thing we know about American AI companies it's that they have a spotless record when it comes to data ethics. Never touched unauthorized data. Swear! Not even once. Of course not.