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Computer help no turn on

My PC won't turn on. Haven't been able to set it up for a couple of months and so it's been sitting off in the corner of my room. I set everything up on my desk and I pressed the power button and nothing. I double-checked that the outlet it was plugged into worked and the button on the power supply was on but still nothing. I looked a little bit into it and saw people saying it might be the CMOS battery dying so I changed that and still no dice. I was wondering if you computer wizzes had any other things to check that might be causing this. Thanks in advance.

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  • This sounds like a power issue to me. Is it a desktop computer? You could check that all the cables from the PSU are correctly plugged into the motherboard/GPU. Another thing worth trying is taking the components (RAM sticks/GPU) one by one and try turning on the computer after every part you remove, that way you can isolate the problem to a particular component. If it still wont work, then the PSU might just be fried. The easiest way to test that is to try with a different PSU, if you happen to have one of those laying around... I guess a power meter of some kind would work too, but I don't know how to go about that.

    It might also be some other unexpected bullshit. I did have a similar issue recently. I swapped the PSU and everything and it STILL didn't work. Turns out there it was caused by a piece of lint in the GPU port. I took out the GPU and blew some compressed air into the port and it seems to have done the trick. I didn't even know that could happen.

    If it's not a desktop computer then I don't know shit.

    good luck comrade