To my fellow Americans and such in this dire times
To my fellow Americans and such in this dire times
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To my fellow Americans and such in this dire times
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Been there for most of my life. And I've watched anti-electoralists and non-voters help walk back nearly every bit of progress I've seen in my lifetime.
hear hear!
Why would you blame people who did nothing over the people actually fighting for and executing the harm?
For the same reason Dr King did.
To put it more simply: non voters were by far the largest voting block this election. They had the greatest impact in our democracy.
Because the trump voters have no standards. Being mad at them for electing trump is like being mad at a chimp for throwing feces.
Because, statistically, they are a larger group that could have helped but selfishly decided not to and inaction is a choice that only serves to help the oppressors. Anti-electoralists and other accelerationists have been helping the oppressors win for over half a century, to intentionally cause human suffering to try to ignite a hot class war in the hope of achieving their utopia.
That there is not a shred of historical evidence of accelerationism successfully resulting in societal improvement or that said utopia it would be built upon the blood of the oppressed never seems to matter. That seems rather worse, to me, than those who simply want to oppress - using the suffering of others who did not volunteer as a means to an end.
Being radical doesn’t meant voting Dem next election either.
Go do some praxis.
Changing my name to Luigi
Sorry, despair is my default, and it only fluctuates.
Nah, less "Radicalization", more simple turning out the vote for Democrats amongst young people. Simple. When we vote, we win, when our young people stay home and waste their opportunity, the monsters gain control of Congress, The Supreme Court, and the Presidency. Don't need to have been radical to have saved abortion, or immigrant rights, or ukraine, simply had to vote Democrat. I know the concept is so low effort the tankies will rain against it, and THAT is why we find ourselves losing .... everything.
Fascists tend to not hold free and fair elections if they can help it
Indeed. Still no excuse not to vote Democrat.
Skeletor always so wholesome!
I've been in states of both for as long as I can remember
Damn, now I'm going to have What's Up stuck in my head all day...
Yes join the cult!
Almost everyone here is already a radicalized insane person who apparently has been disconnected from reality for awhile at this point.
I'm so radical, I want everyone to have healthcare and paid sick leave. I'm so radical I'm against 3 men having as much wealth as the bottom 50% of Americans.
Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there. You want people to be able to get medical assistance at all times regardless of individual funds? What are you some kinda communist???