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do people really care about boot time?

ive been using/managing/fixing computers and servers for 40+ years. from old AS400 to full on cloud bullshit. i can remember only a single time where boot time mattered... when microsofts DNS failures caused servers to take 15 minutes to boot.. other than that there hasnt been a single time it has ever been a problem or discussed as an issue to be resolved.

so why the fuck is it constantly touted as some benefit!? it grinds my gears when i see anyone stating how fast their machine booted.

am i alone in this?

  • My windows partition takes upwards of 2 minutes to actually be ready to do anything, my Linux partition is ready to rock ten seconds after I push the power button and four of those seconds are intentional delay to choose a boot disc.

    I didn't care about it before, but I sure do now. Booting into windows these days is torturous in comparison.

  • it didn't matter to me until i got a PC which booted super fast

  • I don't care that much on the desktop, though faster is always nice.

    I do care on laptops, where it's linked to time required to wake up from hibernation.

  • For a server, IDK.

    I used to care on the desktop. AM5 boots painfully slowly, which probably would have been an issue at some point. Now I rarely reboot, so I don't care as much.

  • I remember the days before fast boot, you'd sit there like it was punishment, while it counted ram, then if you hit a snag, you're in for the big hurt

  • Its very important in embedded applications. Think of kiosks or other customer facing software. The longer it takes to boot the longer its out of service before the reboot finishes. It is essentially the upper bound of recovery time after an error.

  • I use QubesOS and dom0 boot takes a while (haven't been bothered to figure out why it waits till sys-whatever starts before dropping me into the login screen). The boot times for the VMs once the main boot is done matters cos that's how long launching a program takes but that's usually pretty quick.

  • I don’t remember the last time I rebooted by laptop. Of course it doesn’t run Windows either.

  • Yes, a single setting on the BIOS for AM5 changed my boot time from ~80 seconds to about 25 seconds which in turn greatly improved my life and cured my depression. I'd say its something worth thinking about if its unusually long

  • I don't care about how long it takes to boot up, but I do care how long it takes from login to the desktop environment being usable.

    Dealing with servers, I'm used to long boot up times since the low-level lifecycle management takes forever. But, once it's booted, I expect it to be ready to go. I have no patience for "Just a moment...." or "Getting things ready" after I enter my credentials. All that shit should have been taken care of during the boot up.

    Thankfully, I mostly use Linux at home/work, so that's less of an issue, but it does make it all the worse when I have to remote into a Windows server.

  • Well, (potential) customers do care about quite a few completely useless metrics, or ta least meaningless ones. Exactly like they do with their photography gear. Marketing departments need those things to sell new device, right? ;)