Disney stole my artwork and sold it in their parks - Update after 2 1/2 years - YouTube
Disney stole my artwork and sold it in their parks - Update after 2 1/2 years - YouTube
Disney stole my artwork and sold it in their parks - Update after 2 1/2 years - YouTube
My brother posted his amateur edm music and almost immediately had it stolen by a large music corp and then got content id flagged. Its pretty clear IP laws are written by thieves to protect their stolen goods.
That is my favorite description of IP laws yet. Thank you!
Yes, indeed! I will steal this as well! :) but besides that. We need numbers to change things in the world. Meaning that 100 1000 or 10000 people visiting the rich and famous at home and demanding their freedom back will change things.
This community is made by the people for the people and we ask everyone to share ideas, speak up and push for change.
Before anyone argues that its pointless, then you should please go work for 7 days a week, dont vote as a woman and many other things that were achieved through collective struggle. Its does work. The elite profits from you believing it doesnt.
Also quick reminder: its against the rules of this community to reinforce the tale that struggle and collective action does not help.
YouTube's copyright approach is fucking terrible. There's that Tom Scott video where he says YouTube's copyright isn't broken, the law is, and the main point he's trying to make is a good one, but he neglects to address the ways that YouTube specifically is broken.
Everything about Content ID is stuff they have voluntarily done above and beyond what the law requires. And Content ID makes no allowances for fair use and does not penalise false claims in any way. But worse, there are regular abuses of content ID for things that are not even under copyright at all. I've had videos of me performing Beethoven's scores receive content ID claims, despite the composition bring public domain and the recording being entirely my own copyright. And you regularly hear stories of people using NASA footage (which is public domain) or other content that's public domain by law get claimed by news organisations that had also used the same NASA footage and claimed it as theirs. Again, YouTube just lets them do this. Nothing about copyright law requires them to.
I regret reading the youtube comments. What a cesspool.
Anyway, I think that he did the right thing here, exposing the issue without putting his arse behind a legal battle. A judiciary system is part of a government, and a government is not made for the population, it's made to ensure the continued control of a ruling class over it. Under capitalism this means that the law will typically side with corporations against random nobodies like him.
Its arguably correct as of this point in time but the situation has gotten worse in the last few decades and up until now there is no real reason to see it getting any better. There are efforts though.
However, this is exactly what this community is for. We push and ask for the elites to be dismantled. We cant change stuff without help. Either by posting, funding or discussing ideas.
So please consider doing any of the above so we can rid the world of the cancer that are billionaires.