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Elon Musk Admits To Cheating In Path Of Exile 2 And Diablo 4 Amid Fake Gamer Controversy

  • Who'd of thought. A billionaire a cheater. /s

    These people cheat at every aspects of life, society rewards narcissism, rewards people willing to forgo morals. We have systematised this were we can look at hi school bullies and have a vague idea where they will end up.

    These people aren't worthy of our respect, and we need to make it known.

  • He didn't say "account boosting", he said they share accounts. I don't play PoE, much less competitively, so I don't know if that's true, but let's assume it is. Just disclose it. Like, disclose it publicly before you play the game. Don't deny it after being called out on it and then retaliate against the person calling you out on your platform like a petty manchild, then disclose it in private. If anything, people will respect you more for being someone who doesn't play video games all day every day like it's their job.

  • Just excuses. Not like I care, but he'll never actually own up to this or apologize for being rude to people who called him out.