WASHINGTON - Ottawa is ready to retaliate if U.S. president-elect Donald Trump slaps Canada with devastating tariffs, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised Friday — and his ministers say Republicans in
"We will not hesitate to act," Trudeau said at a meeting of the newly formed Council on Canada-U.S. Relations in Toronto. "We will respond and, I will say it again, everything is on the table."
It's pretty cool how people vote against their interests and cause themselves harm but at least there aren't any drag queens reading books to children. /s
The biggest issue with Canada is the programming of public such that US and imperialist foreign policy is a "force for good" in the world. If meetings with China and Russia are not being done right now, many options are off the table, and the only path forward is fatigue until Canada capitulates heavily to US extortion, possibly agreeing to becoming a possession.
Another option is for Canada to significantly expand debt for UBI/income support of Canadians such that Canadian debt levels match the US's and so it is no longer attractive to conquer us.
There was a nice writeup on Cory Doctorows blog on Wednesday about why counter tariffs are kinda stupid and what else Canada should should maybe do, to strengthen its local and international position.
What Canada and the EU will do is the same that the EU did when there were trade conflicts before. Instead of imposing general tariffs, they'll put tariffs in some key US exports that impact mostly swing states and red states but are not critical imports.
For example, when there was a conflict with Bush, the EU put tariffs on Harley Davidsons (to target Wisconsin), Whisky (to target Kentucky and Mitch McConnell), and Levi's Jeans. The idea wasn't to make Americans pay (duh), but make them too expensive in comparison with the alternatives and crash American exports.
I think those tariffs must still be going here because it is like 120€ for one pair of Levi's where in the US, it is 60€ or less per pair with much more variety. When my girlfriend and I visited, she bought like 4.
Yep, the people importing from the US within Canadian territories will pay a tax to Canada for the items. The US won't be bothered with it much. It only serves to raise prices for Canadians. Especially in instances where they don't have any domestic production of an alternative.
Which will incentivise domestic consumers to reduce consumption depriving them of profits, encourage local alternatives or finding new markets reducing future profits, and be a net negative for the target country.
It’s very obvious sanctions are effective or places like Russia wouldn’t complain about them all the time.
The US exporters will be bothered if their products are more expensive and thus less attractive to buy. Do you really think all the world politics, economists and business leaders are just too stupid to get which effects tariffs have?
Do you think they would bother with counter tariffs if the tarrifs imposed by Trump would only hurt the US?
That's kind of the idea. It's a punitive measure to discourage Canadians from buying US goods.
We might not have domestic alternatives for some things, but we dont necessarily need to get those from the US either. There are other countries we can import from. Failing that, some people might decide that they don't really need whatever item is being tariffed and wait for prices to go down.