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What is the legitimate use-case for generative AI?

I promise this question is asked in good faith. I do not currently see the point of generative AI and I want to understand why there's hype. There are ethical concerns but we'll ignore ethics for the question.

In creative works like writing or art, it feels soulless and poor quality. In programming at best it's a shortcut to avoid deeper learning, at worst it spits out garbage code that you spend more time debugging than if you had just written it by yourself.

When I see AI ads directed towards individuals the selling point is convenience. But I would feel robbed of the human experience using AI in place of human interaction.

So what's the point of it all?

  • People keep meaning different things when they say "Generative AI". Do you mean the tech in general, or the corporate AI that companies overhype and try to sell to everyone?

    The tech itself is pretty cool. GenAI is already being used for quick subtitling and translating any form of media quickly. Image AI is really good at upscaling low-res images and making them clearer by filling in the gaps. Chatbots are fallible but they're still really good for specific things like generating testing data or quickly helping you in basic tasks that might have you searching for 5 minutes. AI is huge in video games for upscaling tech like DLSS which can boost performance by running the game at a low resolution then upscaling it, the result is genuinely great. It's also used to de-noise raytracing and show cleaner reflections.

    Also people are missing the point on why AI is being invested in so much. No, I don't think "AGI" is coming any time soon, but the reason they're sucking in so much money is because of what it could be in 5 years. Saying AI is a waste of effort is like saying 3D video games are a waste of time because they looked bad in 1995. It will improve.

  • i’ve written bots that filter things for me, or change something to machine-readable formats

    the most successful thing i’ve done is have a bot that parses a web page and figures out the date/time in standard format, gets a location if it’s listed in the description and geocodes it, and a few other fields to make an ical for pretty much any page

    i think the important thing is that gen ai is good at low risk tasks that reduce but don’t eliminate human effort - changing something from having to do a bunch of data entry to skimming for correctness

  • I generate D&D characters and NPCs with it, but that's not really a strong argument.

    For programming though it's quite handy. Basically a smarter code completion that takes the already written stuff into account. From machine code through assembly up to higher languages, I think it's a logical next step to be able to tell the computer, in human language, what you actually are trying to achieve. That doesn't mean it is taking over while the programmer switches off their brain of course, but it already saved me quite some time.

  • I use LLMs for search results when conventional search engines aren't providing relevant results, and then I can fact-check whatever answers the LLMs give me. Especially using them to ask questions that are easy to verify, like mathematical questions where I can check the validity of the answers. Or similarly programming questions where I can read through the solution, check the documentation for any functions used, and make sure the output is logical, and make any tweaks if the LLM gives a nearly-correct answer. I always ask LLMs to cite their sources so I can check those too.

    I also sometimes use LLMs for formatting, like when I copy text off a PDF and the spacing is all funky.

    I don't use LLMs for this, but I imagine that they would be a better replacement for previous automated translation tools. Translation seems to be one of the most obvious applications since LLMs are just language pattern recognition at the end of the day. Obviously for anything important they need to be checked by a human, but they would e.g. allow for people to participate in online communities where they don't speak the community's language.

  • I treat it as a newish employee. I don't let it do important tasks without supervision, but it does help building something rough that I can work on.

  • I'd say there are probably as many genuine use-cases for AI as there are people in denial that AI has genuine use-cases.

    Top of my head:

    • Text editing. Write something (e.g. e-mails, websites, novels, even code) and have an LLM rewrite it to suit a specific tone and identify errors.
    • Creative art. You claim generative AI art is soulless and poor quality, to me, that indicates a lack of familiarity with what generative AI is capable of. There are tools to create entire songs from scratch, replace the voice of one artist with another, remove unwanted background noise from songs, improve the quality of old songs, separate/add vocal tracks to music, turn 2d models into 3d models, create images from text, convert simple images into complex images, fill in missing details from images, upscale and colourise images, separate foregrounds from backgrounds.
    • Note taking and summarisation (e.g. summarising meeting minutes or summarising a conversation or events that occur).
    • Video games. Imagine the replay value of a video game if every time you play there are different quests, maps, NPCs, unexpected twists, and different puzzles? The technology isn't developed enough for this at the moment, but I think this is something we will see in the coming years. Some games (Skyrim and Fallout 4 come to mind) have a mod that gives each NPC AI generated dialogue that takes into account the NPC's personality and history.
    • Real time assistance for a variety of tasks. Consider a call centre environment as one example, a model can be optimised to evaluate calls based on language and empathy and correctness of information. A model could be set up with a call centre's knowledge base that listens to the call and locates information based on a caller's enquiry and tells an agent where the information is located (or even suggests what to say, though this is currently prone to hallucination).
  • Learning languages is a great use case. I'm learning Mandarin right now, and being able to chat with a bot is really great practice for me. Another use case I've found handy is using it as a sounding board. The output it produces can stimulate new ideas in my own head, and it makes it a good exploration tool that let me pull on different threads of thought.

  • For coding it works really well if you give it examples like "i have code that looked like this .... And i made it to look like this .... If i give you another piece of code that's similar to the first can you convert it to the second for me". Been great to reduce the amount of boring grunt work so I can focus on the more fun stuff

    • In C#, when programming save/load in video games, it can be super tedious. I am self taught and i didnt have the best resources, so the only way i could find to ensure its saving the correct variables was to manually input every single variable into a text file. I dont care if its plaintext, if people want to edit their save then more power to them. The issue is that there are potentially tens of hundreds of different variables that need to be saved for the gamestate to be accurately recreated.

      So its really nice that i can just copy/paste my classes into gpt and give it the syntax for a single variable to be saved, then have it do the rest. I do have to browse through and ensure its actually getting all the variables, but it turns a potentially mindnumbing 4 hour long process into maybe a 20 minute one thats relatively engaging.

      Also if you know a better way lmk. I read that you can simply hash the object into a text file and then unhash it, but afaik unhashing something is next to impossible and i could never figure it out anyways.

      • You could encrypt and decrypt it with keys.

        Or you can do something simple like scramble the letters like a cypher, still able to edit manually but it wouldn't be as readable and obvious what everything does.

        Or you can can encode it, same issue as the last but they'll have to know what it was encoded with to decode it before editing.

        Or you can just turn it into bytes so the file is more awkward to work with.

        You could probably mix a bunch of these together if you care enough. U don't think any are THE standard and foolproof but they're options

  • I use it for parsing through legalese or terms and conditions. IT IS NOT PERFECT. I wouldn't trust it ever over a lawyer. But it's great for things like "Is there anything here that is extra unusual or weirdly anti-consumer or very bad for privacy?". I think it's great for that.

    People here are just "it will take jobs it's inherently evil". They said the same about Photoshop, and computers before. I think there are evil uses for it sure, but that doesn't mean that it has no valid usages