I've been having a serious issue with phantom clicks on a laptop, to a point is nearly impossible to work on a desktop.
At first I assumed it was something related with a bluetooth daemon call that kept returning an error on startup. I forced access to a CLI and managed to uninstall the bluez package but the issue persisted.
I assumed then it was an issue with the mouse itself but after unplugging it completely, using the touchpad had the same behaviour. I also tried tweaking the mouse settings, to no difference.
Finally, I tried booting into Windows, as this machine has a dual boot, and there both mouse and touchpad report no erratic bahaviour.
After a few online searches, I found similar issues reported but back in 2014, mostly related with kernel drivers, which by now must be solved, as the system initially didn't had this issue, with a fresh install.
The only non-repo app the system has is Zoom and, again, it didn't started having this issue when installed.
Can someone spare some advice on this?
My temptation is to just do a fresh install but as I once read somewhere "we don't do that here". :)
The distro being run is Mint, on a generic Intel based laptop.
I don't have a solution for you. Just wanted to cheer you up a little with my experience in a similar situation.
In my case those phantom clicks and mouse movement were from a wireless mouse my kid uses which he was fiddling with like it's a fidget in another room thinking he has turned it off.
3D shooters -- hard no. Everything else pretty much ok: city building, civilization. I play arcade games using gamepad though.
However, I've got my best records in gnome-mines using trackball:) The game is a good way of training using one as well