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Germans of Lemmy, how is the situation in the country in the context of the February election?

Asking because I've seen it mention a few times recently and haven't really followed the German news.

What is the general situation? Are the polls giving any party favorite? Is it a topic widely discussed around you?

  • You won't get a good answer about discussed topics as far as Germany as a whole or mass media news are concerned because this part of social media is a bubble not even close to the average public.

    But anyway...

    The news are mostly filld with far-right bullshit the (sadly -at least from my perspective- former) center right CDU/CSU is copying straight from the far-right AfD as well as rediculous wishfull thinking. As in: besides their populist crap they also hallucinate solutions that don't exist (balanced financing via magically appearing economic growth, more money for infrastructure and military by reducing social security -where also magically they somehow can save 50billion they want to spend elsewhere by reduction of budgets not even a fraction of that amount-, a return to coal and nuclear power as well as combustion engines because green energy and EVs are just a fad that will pass and are also totally not mandatory by EU policies anyway).

    In short: everything that appeals to the illusion of just going back in time to better times.

    Which is both not even surprising: Those people spend the last years with a lot of visits in the US to learn from MAGA morons how to do campaigning on bullshit. And the (near-)pensioneers have an absolute majority (at the last election in 2021 the 50:50 voter split was somewhere in the high 50s bracket). Those people majorily vote jsut based on "I have voted for them all my life".

    Oh... and the Green party as the only one actual talking about reality and having solution based on reality are evil and insane, totally to blame for every problem of today's government and the sworn enemy of all other parties... at least if you listen to all the populist politicians and totally ignoring the fact that there are a lot of successfull state governments with the Greens (including several CDU+Green coalitions). As I said, reality has left the building...

    So contrary to reality Germany will elect the exact same morons that managed to destroy German infrastructure and the army for years, while also blocking any neccessary changes for decades. Also the guys who basically pushed AfD votes by copying their narratives and resulting in a massive move to the right. They will somehow correct all the catastrophic problem caused by 3 years of SPD, Greens and FDP governing because somehow none of those were caused by 16 years of CDU-led government before (also nearly two decades, again with a short SPD+Green break inbetween, before that).

    The optimist in me thinks they just plan to use a strong AfD they created to force other parties to help them to power "in the name of democracy". The realist actually expects a coalition with those pseudo-nazis. Maybe not this time but in another 4 years when they had enough time to blame any problems (and as said: they don't have actual solutions) on whoever is stupid enough to support them.

    So for the polls (I'm using aggregated numbers from several different polls from the last weeks):

    31,1% CDU: (former) center-right happily copying AfD narratives and with one anti-constitutional proposal after the last one.

    18,8% AfD: far-right (and of course pro-Russian) more and more not even hiding their direct use of nazi rhetoric anymore but of course very popular on all the usual social media cesspits (including Elon Musk pushing a lot "Germany is collapsing and the AfD is their only hope to be saved) and totally not supported by Russian troll farms cough.

    16,2% SPD: center-left but increasingly aimless without actual plan or direction and the prime candidate for a government coalition with CDU where they will agree to basically everything as long as they can get some postions in the government (on the plus side: their base might rebel against it fingers crossed).

    13,6% Greens: the punching bag of every other party and right-wing media (mostly -even when you don't agree with them- because they are the only ones refusing the now mainstream populism and talking facts...). Sadly the only "left" alternative... not by virtue of being very left in particular (they actually have a lot of social ideas but those aren't a priority when they are also the only party planning to not burn our planet down...) but by all other somewhat left options being useless (see below).

    5,1% BSW: new populist-left party (also -of course- pro-Russia) with barely any actual plan, just a personality cult of their founder and hopefully staying below 5% to not get into the parliament.

    3,6% FDP: the self-proclaimed liberals who actually lost all of their other liberal ideas for the things that matter: market liberalism, low business taxes, money transfers to the rich, trickle-down... all the classic neo-liberal capitalist bullshit. Also blockading the government they were part of for then last three years and still believing they will get voters back if they just get even more destructive.

    3,3% Left: Already (barely) missed the 5% in the last election and since then parts of their party split off to start BSW and it went downhill from there (as the Left party is better at in-fighting than agreeing on left policies anyway and their anti-NATO stance was a problem even back then, even more so now... at least the hardcore anti-US and Russia fanbois changed over to BSW).

    And another ~8%+ for "other" parties not even close to the 5% barrier, so not worth mentioning individually...

    PS: Additional note as this isn't obvious when not used to the German voting system: With parties below 5% not getting into the parliament (with a few legal exceptions I will ignore to keep it simple) you don't need a 50%+ majority of votes but only a majority of seats between those parties that managed to meet the 5% treshold. So if ~15-20% of the votes basically don't count (Left, FDP, "Others" (and hopefully BSW) below 5%), a government coalition only needs to get a majority relative to 80-85% (not the full 100%) of the total votes to have a majority of seats. Yes that mathematically means even a coalition of CDU+Greens (31,1%+13,6%=44,7%) would at the moment have a slim majority of seats to form a government...

  • Super-condensed version: Based on current polls we are almost guaranteed to see the next government shift to the right hard compared to the current one. And the guy most likely to lead it could be described as "Trump light". I am very worried it will get even worse 4 years later.

    Slightly longer version:

    CDU looks like it will be the winner of the election, but not big enough to form a government without a coalition partner. They used to be considered center-right, but have been shifting more towards the right for a few years now (since Friedrich Merz - "Trump light" - took over as their leader). So the very best one could hope for with them in power would be an overall center-ish government.

    Possible partners:

    • SPD - historically center left, with a long lasting tradition to be easily pushed over on basically all their principles in coalition governments, especially towards the right
    • The Greens - historically slightly left of SPD with more focus on environmental topics. Drifting more towards being SPD 2.0 in recent times. Even they recently had some relevant figures try to gain favor with voters by blaming things on immigrants and demanding a stronger stance against them. Least horrible option, but will lose ground among their own followers if they enter a coalition with CDU, worsening chances to get something less horrible next time.
    • AfD - literal Nazis, and I mean literal in the original sense without any exaggeration. CDU used to have a strong stance against working with them, but that has been weakened over time. And a few months ago the leader of CDU started spreading the blatant lie that that was never a thing, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    Silver lining:

    The party of selfish libertarian assholes (FDP) will most likely not make it into the next parliament after very blatantly sabotaging the current one from within for several years.

  • I'm from Austria and this is my personal opinion:

    • the economic situation in germany is very challenging right now because germany had a strong ICE-industry but that is predicted to fall over the next 15 years.
    • people are afraid of economic hardships and are therefore moving politically right
    • people absolutely vote against immigration. there's exceptions to this but they are rare
    • there isn't a lot of options among the parties, the more interesting one being BSW because it isn't a classical "left or right wing" party but mixed a lot of ideas up and is more eclectic in that regard.