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  • The battle wagon is in good hands now. Should only take a week to repair. It’s getting more difficult to find parts for my car these days but the sensors shouldn’t be a problem. I’m now in a Kia hatchback something.

    You know those dreams in which you try to run, but it’s like the floor is thick goo? That’s what driving this Kia is like.

    • Our old Patrol was like that. Non turbo diesel. First and second gear was okay but third was like you'd driven into a puddle if molasses.

    • My brother purchased a trade-in Focus ST really cheap while He was waiting for his company car. It was horribly uninspiring to drive.

      When he got his company car (first a Ford Ranger that had uncomfortable seats, then a Ford Mustang that also had uncomfortable seats, until finally a Focus RS, which didn’t hurt his back, but were so comfortable that he couldn’t get out of them), he gave the ST it to his Wife. She said “I don’t know why anyone would have purchased this car new. Unless they didn’t take it for a test drive and and just assumed it would be as good as the RS”.

      For a few months they had two cars, the fastest Focus that ever existed and the slowest Focus that ever existed.

  • I somehow managed to go to yoga with my leggings back to front and didn't notice until I got home. Whoops.

    Now that I'm home I'm going to copy you lot and jump on the jelly train. I haven't made jelly in yonks. And then kick back with cricket all arvo.

  • Cheap telescope was predictably disappointing. My dad's old binoculars did a much better job, we could clearly see the dark side of the moon and the edges of craters! This old nerd was very excited 😊

  • I'm part of a couple of "No Buy" groups and it never fails to amaze me how many people find it a challenge to not go shopping or buy anything for even a single day.

  • Perfect day for the beach.

    Unicorn bell on the bike will get some action today on the foreshore. People who dawdle in the middle of the path need to know the wrath of the rainbow unicorn bell. I usually ride at about walking pace on that path (kids everywhere seen too many close calls) so it's extra funny when people freak out moving to the left. But the huge uptick in elec. scooters this year is a risk. I'm in favour of them in general, but they don't have the same stopping power / maneuverability as a bike if little johnny decides to randomly get in the way. Saw a collision yesterday and there was no way the scooter rider was not going to stack / hit kiddo. I don't think there's a solution (except for slowing down), just an observation.

  • I have some pics from Castlemaine. Not touristy pics, just stuff I found interesting. 🙂

    a gun captured from the Germans in wwi. There are so many war trophies and memorials from wwi it makes me think the war greatly effected this far from Europe town .

    cute aussie planter at the entrance to the art gallery

    awesome painting by Drysdale

    my fave entrant in the Fox art competition. By Joel Arthur. Trees on a lake? I just love the colours and perspective.

    A weird church. This town was full of distinctive architecture

    old wwi ambulance parked on the main street

    in case anyone needs to send a telegraph

    a very weird flower in the botanical gardens . agave gigantea

    the old train station . We heard kookaburras here. 🙂

  • This is our rules. 10 cards each. If you pick up from the middle you've gotta pick them all up. And if you pick them up then you've gotta put down 4 of a kind. That's it.

  • So… it’s only been recently (within the last 1-2 years) that I’ve really started shredding aeons old paperwork from primary school reports to medical files. I’ve been lugging around this expanda file that I don’t really use any more and finally pulled out all the paperwork today.

    It’s not a huge pile by any means, but wow, you really can tell the story of someone’s life with this information. It’s kind of simultaneously cool/creepy. It’s also wild how people’s identities can be stolen with less.

    The shredder is going to get a workout.

    On a funny side note, finally got around to start wiping my old computer. For something that was running WIN7 with 3 drives (don’t ask me), it was surprisingly quick.

    Like better than the majority the PCs I work with. It made me wonder why I stopped using it… Likely portability/outdated hardware.

    Waiting it for it to finish ShredOS so I can take it to recycling… Honestly, attempting to do all the right recycling things has made realise how time consuming it is. Nothing is simple!

    • WIN7

      I still have a soft spot for that OS. On my win7 'puters, every time chrome says 'gotta update to 10+' I feel sad.

  • I put a cheap Kings Gazebo on the north side of the house yesterday morning.

    We didn’t need to put on the AC at all!

    Despite the builders best efforts, our Zero Energy designed house is doing pretty well.

    We have an 80th Birthday Party here this arvo with 50ish guests. I think that we may need to turn the ACs on.

  • Set up a cheap telescope Miniest got for Xmas. She wanted to know what that bright light in the western sky was and I told her I thought it was Venus. She insisted we set it up and take a look tonight. I don't hold much hope for a great view but it should be interesting anyway.

    Edit for vague direction of bright light.

  • Three movies, the Beatles did three movies.

    Something reminded me of Yellow Submarine. 👍

    This is a very long documentary , I think that helps to show the slowness of the implosion of the group.