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Microblog Memes


  • I'm a handyman and a weed farmer lmfao I can't wait for the apocalypse

  • I really don't get people who watch Mad Max movies and think they're going to be Auntie or Immortan Joe (as if they ended up doing so well themselves anyway). And even if you are, who wants to be king of a pile of shit?

    Makes no sense to me.

    • You're not just king of the pile of shit your kingdom sits on. You're king of the people. You have an army at your disposal in a world where everyone is fighting over the very little resources that are left to survive. You are old and also have a chronic medical condition that makes it difficult for you to survive on your own. Why wouldn't you want to be the guy at the top, with plenty of food and water and safety? Are you saying you want to be Max?

      And that's just the surface level reason. Think about how you could shape the future if you were the one with power. I don't think anyone who wants to be Immortan Joe or whoever ran Barter Town just to go and do things the exact same way. They probably think they could rebuild society.

  • Assuming I don't die immediately somehow, I doubt I'd last long without anti-rejection meds for my transplanted heart, probably not a pleasant way to go out either.

  • Woot! I've been poor all my life, so I have experience gardening and foraging. I know the difference between poison hemlock and wild carrot, I can identify herbs that can heal, I know how to choose the best trees for food from syrup to bark bread, and I know which fruits and veggies grow best in which area

    I'm also a mortician, so went through 4 years of INTENSE medical education, fighting against the students trying to become doctors. (I hate bell curves) I can cleanly dissect a body, know about ailments/diseases/biohazards, I'm not afraid of blood or wounds, can stitch up lacerations, and know which parts of the body to hit and bring an enemy down... probably should have led with that